Households in the northern province of Hung Yen are busy harvesting honey.

The season starts every early March when longan flowers bloom.    

The province is home to around 3,000 hectares of longan, mostly in Hung Yen City and the districts of Khoai Chau, Kim Dong and Tien Lu. During the season, each household can earn hundreds of millions of VND from honey. 

It is easy to hear the sound of bees at longan gardens in Hung Yen this time.  

Minh from Khoai Chau District said that his family is raising bees imported from Italy which are stronger and have higher productivity with better honey than domestic breeds.    

Many people from other localities such as Hai Duong, Bac Giang and Hue also bring their bees to Hung Yen for hone.

Ha Van Thanh in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue said that he has been raising bees for four years. After 10 years in Hung Yen, his bees generated around 800 kilogrammes of honey.

When the longan flower season ends, people in Hung Yen take their bees to other localities for honey. However, longan flower bees still have the highest value.


 Households in the northern province of Hung Yen are busy harvesting honey


The longan flower season in Hung Yen


Raising bees depends much on the weather. Honey is produced after four days of sunny weather. However, it can take 10 days if it is rainy  


People wear safety clothes to avoid being attacked by bees.


The bee smoker to sedate the bees 


Longan flower honey is good quality 


A stung hand 


At present, each litre of honey is sold at between VND80-100,000 {keywords}

Taking honey from the honeycomb

