The 2018 Horasis Asia Meeting, Asia’s premier gathering of the region’s most senior leaders in business and administration, opened in the southern province of Binh Duong in November 26.

The annual meeting is described as an ideal platform to explore and advance regional cooperation, impact investing, and sustainable growth. 

In his opening remarks, Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung highlighted Vietnam’s economic achievements over the past three decades of reforms since 1986, saying the country has posted impressive GDP growth for years and is viewed by the international community as a model of a successful transition economy.

Nearly 26,000 FDI enterprises from about 130 countries and territories are operating in Vietnam with committed capital of over 330 billion USD, Dung noted. The country has become a reliable partner having trade relations with more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. 

It is now a member of 12 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), including six between ASEAN and big partners like China, India, Japan and the Republic of Korea. Vietnam ratified the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) in November and has worked alongside the European Union to complete all necessary legal steps to soon conclude the EU-Vietnam FTA, the Deputy PM stated.

He emphasised that the Government of Vietnam has been consistent towards the goals of stablising the macro-economy, ensuring national financial and monetary security, improving business climate and removing barriers for enterprises. These efforts are made to bring Vietnam into the leading group of ASEAN and reach the standards of OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) member countries in terms of competitiveness, he added.

The Government has also strived to enhance its transparency and accountability as it regards satisfying firms and people as a measure of efficiency in governmental management. Furthermore, the Government has taken various steps to protect property rights and pilot new business models, particularly in the hi-tech sector, he said.

Also at the event, Chairman of the Binh Duong People’s Committee Tran Thanh Liem said more than two decades ago, Binh Duong was an agricultural province with poor infrastructure and low living standards. 

But the province has determined to make full use of its advantages and unlock its potential to grow into the country’s key industrial hub, luring foreign investors from 63 countries and territories, Liem said, stressing that Binh Duong now ranks third in FDI attraction, only after Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

A range of activities will be held during the two-day event, with four plenary sessions and 36 dialogues. 

Plenary sessions include discussions on new trends in technology and the status of the regional and global economy, new business models, support for start-up businesses, and solutions for smart cities.

One of the sessions will focus on Bình Duong province’s investment opportunities in hi-tech industries, supporting industries, information technology, construction, human resources development and vocational training, among others.

The event is hosted by the People’s Committee of Binh Duong in collaboration with the Horasis Global Visions Community, Becamex IDC Corporation, VSIP Group, All India Management Association and the Young Premier Leadership Organisation.