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Huong before undergoing cosmetic surgery.

A 'ticket' to a new life

Fearing for her safety, Huong’s parents opted against surgery and tried treating the tumor with traditional medicine. Unfortunately, the tumor continued to grow, and by the time she was six, surgery became inevitable.

The operation was successful but left a deep indentation on the left side of her jaw and a long scar across half of her face.

For years, Huong had to live with this unusual facial deformity. Her childhood was marked by loneliness—due partly to her feelings of inferiority and partly because she was often teased by other children.

"When I went out, people would point and whisper. Once, I overheard a child ask their mother, 'Why is that girl’s face sunken?' Even though I was used to such comments, it still hurt," Huong recalled.

During middle school, a male classmate gave her the nickname "Huong méo" (Crooked Huong) and even hit her simply because of her unusual face. Ashamed, Huong could only cry alone at home, not daring to show her emotions for fear of upsetting her parents.

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Huong before and after cosmetic surgery.

It wasn’t until her senior year of high school that Huong began to live more freely. "At that point, I learned to relax. I realized that being sad or crying wouldn’t stop people from teasing me, so I decided to live more openly, hoping others would be more accepting," she shared.

In early 2023, Huong applied to participate in "The Transformation Journey," a free cosmetic surgery program for individuals in difficult circumstances. She sought help from friends and family to vote for her, eventually securing the opportunity to change her life.

"With the ticket in my hand, I burst into tears of joy. My parents were worried about the pain and potential complications from the surgery, but I was incredibly happy. My desire for a fuller face drowned out all fears, and I eagerly awaited the surgery," Huong shared.

In September 2023, Huong temporarily left her family to undergo surgery. In October, she had her first procedure.

Over six months, she underwent four surgeries: a dermal fat graft, fat grafting to fill her face, chin advancement, and jaw contouring to smooth the sunken areas of her face. One of the surgeries lasted over 10 hours.

"Surgery is painful, but I was motivated, so I wasn’t afraid. I was fortunate to recover quickly after each operation," Huong said.

Confidence without a mask

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Huong on the day she reunited with her parents.

As her appearance changed day by day, Thu Huong felt overwhelming happiness. It was as if she had been born again.

Seeing her family after six months of surgery was one of the most memorable moments of Huong’s life. As arranged by the program, the first person she saw was her grandmother.

"I followed her all the way to the market, but she didn’t recognize me. At a flower shop, I stood in front of her, handing her a plant, but she still thought I was a store employee. It wasn’t until I said, 'Grandma, it’s Huong,' that she hugged me with joy. That moment was both happy and a bit sad," Huong recounted.

The program’s team had planned a visit to Huong’s home to collect her personal belongings. Her parents prepared a feast with six trays of food, inviting relatives and neighbors to celebrate. They had no idea that this would be the day Huong returned with her new appearance.

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Huong is happier and more confident with her new appearance.

"My mother recognized me at first glance and cried, saying, 'My daughter is beautiful now.' My father hugged me and whispered, 'My princess has fulfilled her dream.' Many of my relatives cried out of happiness for me. I am deeply grateful to the program, to everyone, and to my own resilience," Huong said.

Huong’s life has changed since she gained her new look. She sees the world as brighter, more cheerful, and more optimistic. She now confidently goes out without wearing a mask, and when taking photos, she no longer hides the formerly sunken side of her face.

Working in a garment company, Huong interacts with many people. In the past, crowded environments made her uneasy, but now, she confidently socializes and makes friends.

"In the past, I was bullied and even beaten because of my sunken face. Now, at work, my colleagues jokingly call me the 'Miss Universe of the office.' Even though it’s just a light-hearted compliment, it makes me very happy," Huong shared.

Recently, Huong proudly revealed that she had just taken a photo album to celebrate her youth—something she had never dared to think about before. In the near future, she plans to take a family photo with her parents and younger brother.

One more thing that brings her happiness is that she now feels more confident when standing next to her boyfriend.

Huong and Hoang Minh Duc, 23, from Ninh Binh, had been dating before she underwent cosmetic surgery. Despite the difference in their appearances, they came together out of genuine love.

Their relationship was accepted by both families, and when Huong applied to the program, Duc’s family helped vote for her to advance to the next round. Huong remains grateful for this support. However, deep down, she still felt a bit insecure when standing beside her boyfriend. She longed for the day when she could confidently take a photo with Duc without hiding half her face.

Now, that dream has come true. She confidently walks beside Duc whenever they go out. She also feels more at ease when visiting his family.

"He told me, 'You were beautiful before, and now you’re even more beautiful.' I’m so lucky to have a thoughtful boyfriend who has been with me throughout this challenging journey," Huong shared.

Thanh Minh