The Hue Imperial Citadel will open to welcome visitors at night from summer next year, said Phan Thanh Hai, Director of Hue Monuments Conservation Centre.

Part of the Hue Imperial Citadel will be opened on the trial basis at night from next summer, including the Gate of Noon, Thai Hoa Palace, The Mieu Temple, Dien Tho Palace, Truong Sanh Palace, Tu Phuong Vo Su Pavilion and Peace Gate.

Lots of cultural activities will be held in the city at night along Doan Thi Diem Street. Some other cultural activities will be also organised at An Dinh Palace.

An exhibition on Nguyen Dynasty antiques will take place in Hue City on the occasion of the Vietnam Heritage Day on November 23.

Around 2,500 objects are expected to be displayed at the event.

Some photos of the Hue Imperial Citadel during the Hue Festival:

Purple Forbidden City



Artistic performances


Tu Phuong Vo Su Pavilion
