A large resettlement area in HCM City's District 2 has been abandoned for years due to high prices.

In the report on the audit of resettlement construction investment, purchase of houses and land and the management and arrangement of the resettlement houses during 2016-2020 period, the State Audit Office of Vietnam highlighted on the Thu Thiem new urban area.

The Thu Thiem new urban area with 12,500 apartments to resettle citizens in five central wards. The project includes three zones; the 30.2-hectare area in Binh Khanh Ward with 4,216 apartments, another 38.4-hectare area in Binh Khanh with 6,220 apartments and a 17.3-hectare An Phu-Binh Khanh area with 1,844 apartments.

Only 1,080 apartments in the 38.4-hectare area have been transferred to the management board and have tenants. However, locals said they couldn't afford the prices which were VND35m (USD1,500) to VND45m per square metre in the resettlement area.

According to the Department of Construction, about 3,790 apartments have been completed but not been in use yet. They have gained prime ministerial approval to convert part of the development into commercial buildings.

Some photos of the resettlement area being abandoned in HCM City:





Binh Khanh residential area is void of residents


Fences put up at some blocks


Some blocks are already deteriorating


Parts of the area will be converted into commercial apartments
