Vietnamese and foreign youngsters have joined Vietnamese Culture Day 2017 held by the La Trobe Vietnamese Students Association (LAVISA) in Melbourne, Australia.


Vietnamese and foreign youngsters have joined Vietnamese Culture Day 2017 in Melbourne, Australia.

The April 26 event drew hundreds of Vietnamese and foreign students studying in Victoria state and the locals.

They together enjoyed vibrant performances by Vietnamese students in La Trobe University which have reflected the youth’s enthusiasm and their love for the homeland, and given a better understanding of Vietnam’s cultural identity to the international friends.

The festival featured a fashion show introducing Vietnamese traditional costumes, folk games, and stalls selling Vietnamese souvenir and traditional foods originated from across Vietnam.

It was the fifth edition of the Vietnamese Cultural Day, said LAVISA President Viet Ha, adding that it could not be successful without the enthusiasm of Vietnamese students in Melbourne, their solidarity and desire to promote Vietnam’s image overseas.

LAVISA has organised a number of event in the past, for example, Music Feast, Winter Camp and Welcome Party.