Hungarian chess grandmaster Judit Polgar will join the chess exchange day and book discussion with Vietnamese fans on Sunday, April 15 at 9am at Sword Lake Information and Culture Centre at 2 Le Thai To Street.


Polgar is considered the best female chess player in history and is a two-time Olympic champion. — File Photo

Polgar is considered the best female chess player in history and is a two-time Olympic champion. At 15 she broke Bobby Fischer’s record by becoming the youngest Grandmaster. She has been ranked the world number one female chess player for over 25 years, and on the occasion of this exceptional achievement she was awarded a Guinness Record. 

She also ranked in the top 10 on the World Men’s Rating list in 2005. In August 2014 she won the silver medal at the Chess Olympiad and announced her retirement from competitive chess. In 2015 at the European Championship she captained the Hungarian men’s team and led them to a bronze medal.

She is the main organiser of the annual Global Chess Festival and author of prize-winning books for professional chess players and children alike. Her passion is to promote the game, inspire younger generations and to make a difference in education.

Judit and her team have developed the award-winning Chess Palace educational program using chess as an exceptional learning tool to facilitate children’s development and enable them to employ their talent through chess. The motto of her educational program is “Play your way to creative thinking”.

She is also an advocate for gender equality as a "Planet 50-50 Champion", a title given to her by UN Women in 2016. — VNS