National Assembly (NA) Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu suggested the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) continue supporting Vietnam in improving its cooperatives’ capacity, helping Vietnamese producers make deeper inroads into regional and international markets. 


NA Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu (R) and President of ICA-Asia Pacific Li Chunseng

He made the suggestion at an April 20 meeting in Hanoi with President of ICA- Asia Pacific (ICA-AP) Li Chunseng, who is on a trip to Vietnam to attend the 10th Asia Pacific Cooperative Ministers' Conference. 

The host also called for more technical assistance from the alliance to Vietnam to make it easier for the county to innovate and apply high technologies in agriculture production, thus promoting sustainable business. 

He stressed that the conference provided a good chance for Vietnam to learn experience from other countries in promoting the role played by cooperatives in developing the national economy. 

To facilitate cooperatives’ development, the Vietnamese NA issued and amended the Law on Cooperatives for three times and adopted a resolution on development of new-style cooperatives to 2020, he said.

He revealed that Vietnam’s cooperatives are in the process of shifting organisational structure, operational model and scale in combination with the programme on new-style rural area building, towards modernising agriculture and rural areas.

For his part, Li Chunseng hailed Vietnamese cooperatives’ effective operation in recent time and recognised the country’s contributions to the organisation of the conference. 

He said the activities of the ICA and ICA-AP have helped create jobs, promote agriculture production and reduce poverty. 

He hoped Vietnam continue supporting and actively joining the ICA’s activities, thus setting forth proper programmes and measures to foster peace, security, prosperity and sustainable development.