Hanoi authorities have removed unlicensed construction works in Ba Dinh District.


The construction works dismantled on June 18

These works which include spa service and a big seafood restaurant are located on Phan Ke Binh Street in Cong Vi Ward. 

Earlier in 2007, Multinational Joint Stock Company was licensed to build a 7,000 square-metre parking lot and supporting services on Phan Ke Binh Canal area. However, in 2010, the firm leased the land to many other companies.

The companies built six businesses on the land plot without seeking permission from local authorities. Among those, Pho seafood restaurant covers up to 4,170 square metres and another restaurant named Hai Xom is located on a site of 1,300 square metres.

In May this year, Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh ordered Hanoi authorities to deal with these illegal construction works.

The city’s construction inspectors reminded Multinational Joint Stock Company of the violations many times and fined them. The company was requested to urge the businesses to remove the illegal works before the deadline of June 18 this year. However, the works were not dismantled and some were even still open to serve customers. 

Nguyen Thi Huong, a representative from Multinational JS Company, claimed this was among Hanoi’s first privately-invested projects so the investor could decide what to do with it. They could re-lease the land plot to other services which are not banned by law to recover the capital.

She also added the removal of the works from May 28 to June 18 requested by Hanoi authorities was too short.

The company has sued Hanoi authorities for the decision to remove these construction works.
