Illegal floating restaurants are common in both Phu Yen and Khanh Hoa provinces and local authorities have no concrete regulations for these types of businesses.



Floating restaurants in Phu Yen Province

In a report about waterway inland operations on Vung Ro Bay by Phu Yen Province Department of Transport on October 3, 2017, the province had discovered 17 illegal tour boats and 19 floating restaurants. The restaurants were suspended and the owners promised to close their businesses but nothing has been done.

On May 19, 2015, Vice Chairman of Phu Yen Province Le Van Truc signed an official document to ask locality authorities to work with related agencies to inspect, shut down illegal floating restaurants and tour boats on Vung Ro Bay. He also rejected a Tho Truong Thanh Company proposal to build a floating restaurant there.

On November 12, Phu Yen Chairman Phan Dinh Cu also signed and sent a similar document to Dong Hoa District People's Committee. The authorities in Dong Hoa were asked to shut down illegal floating restaurants again in early 2016. However, the situation hasn't improved.

Khanh Hoa provincial authorities are also facing the same problem after the decision to shut down floating restaurants on Nha Trang Bay was issued two years ago.

Huynh Binh Thai, head of the Management Board of Nha Trang Bay, said nine illegal floating restaurants were not only polluting the environment but were also a threat to tourist safety and public order. When an inspection was started, the restaurant owners would temporarily stop receiving customers until the team left.

"Those floating restaurants don't meet safety standards. We'll propose to the Nha Trang People's Committee to dismantle the restaurants in the rainy season," he said.

However, according to Thai, Khanh Hoa lacks any regulations for floating restaurants and is contemplating whether to allow this type of business.

Phu Yen provincial authorities asked related agencies to build a floating restaurant planning since September 2016 to diversify tourism services but there's no result yet. 

On October 4, Dong Hoa District People's Committee said the provincial authorities haven't yet announced regulations related to such restaurants. They had already put notices banning businesses in place but nothing had changed.

Lao Dong/Dtinews