Lax management in the Central Highlands has led to years of illegal occupation of forested land.



Timbers seized at a local forest ranger station

Dak Ha Communal authorities in Dak Nong Province have yet to recover forest land and demolish dozens of houses built in Village 8. 

Truong Dinh No is one of the occupants who built six houses and tents to claim the land. He was ordered to remove the tents and restore the forested land. However, nothing has been done.

No claimed hat, "A forest company allocated this land to me for 50 years for afforestation, from 2002 to 2052. But I went to prison for 10 years and the land had been encroached on so now I have to build the tents to take it back. The authorities have to compensate me if they want it back."

However, No did not provide evidence to prove that he had been allocated the land. The land he claimed only has some pine trees next to many houses and pepper gardens. 

Dak Ha People's Committee said they had plans for an eviction but still needed time to verify ownership of the land. No will not be fined, but will be forced to leave in accordance with the regulations.

The Dak Lak Food and Forestry Processing Co., Ltd said they discovered that one of its employees, Nguyen Cong Dan, had illegally built a house on the company's allocated forest land last year. 

Dan was also ordered to return the land but didn't comply. Initial reports suggested that he was helped by other employees in the company but there isn’t enough evidence.

According to Dak Lak People's Committee inspection, Rung Xanh Company was given 13,832 hectares including 9,231 hectares of forest land. 

From 2012 to 1016, the company let many households build houses and gardens on over 2,270 hectares of land including 1,626 hectares of forest land. 

The land was cultivated for short growth duration crops and it hasn’t recovered. 

One employee, Lang Van Tang, borrowed 0.1 hectares of land to build a house and has lived there since 2009.

The inspection report concluded that Nguyen Van Dinh, former director of Rung Xanh Company, and other employees were fully responsible. 

Chairmen of Cu Kbang Commune People's Committee and Ea Sup District People's Committee must also take responsibility for lax management and letting people illegally use forest land. 

Rung Xanh Company was asked to review the land and recover the land occupied by Lang Van Tang. The case will also be transferred to the provincial police department.
