The Airport Corporation of Viet Nam will take coercive measures to soon stop illegal taxi services from wooing tourists at the Noi Bai International Airport.


Passengers wait to pick up taxi at the Noi Bai International Airport. 


The situation is believed to be creating a bad impression of the airport in the eyes of tourists.

Vu The Phiet, director of the airport corporation said that it had closely collaborated with local police to bring the situation under control.

Statistics from the corporation showed that the security team had dealt with 237 illegal taxi drivers since early this year.

However, the security team faced difficulties in identifying and fining illegal taxi drivers because they often pretended to be picking up relatives, Phiet said.

Unemployed people in the locality, earning money at the airport by offering illegal taxi services to tourists, were partly to blame for the situation, Ha Quang Anh, deputy head of the corporation's Aviation Security Office said.

Tourists were urged to report to the corporation's security force if they were being coerced by any illegal taxi driver to use their services, the corporation said.

There are 12 taxi firms licensed to serve at the airport.



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