A lecturer at a member school of the HCM City National University told VietNamNet that the salary is calculated by a coefficient multiplied with the base pay set by the state. Meanwhile,  lecturers can earn money from scientific research works as well.

With a master’s degree and 23 years’ experience, he said his salary is VND10.6 million. In addition, he receives money for teaching periods (VND60,000 for each period). As such, his total monthly income is VND16 million at minimum.

As for the HCM City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, a survey on lecturers’ income conducted five years ago found that 70 out of the 984 lecturers of the school had salary of below VND4 million. However, lecturers could earn extra money from overtime teaching and scientific research.

The incomes of lecturers at public universities with autonomy are higher than public universities which still live on the state budget. Analysts say the incomes are high enough for them to have comfortable lives and higher than that of high-ranking officials.

A report showed that in late 2013, the average income of administrative officers of Ton Duc Thang University was VND10.5 million a month, while the income of lecturers and researchers was VND14 million. In late 2014, the figures rose to VND10.892 million and VND14.96 million, respectively.

In December 28, the income of lecturers and officers soared by 50 percent compared with 2013 to VND17 million. In 2020, lecturers could earn VND23.7 million, while administrative officers were VND22.5 million and unskilled workers VND13.4 million. Meanwhile, the incomes of the school’s leaders were up to hundreds of million dong.

As for the HCM City University of Technology and Education, in 2019, or just three years since the day of applying the autonomy mechanism, the budget of the school increased by 25 percent, while the average income increased by 150 percent.

The income of an associate professor was VND63 million a month on average, while doctoral degree holders earned VND40 million and many of them got VND70-80 million.

The average income of lecturers of the school increased from VND15 million to VND22 million a month after three years of running under the autonomy mechanism.

The school paid VND300,000 for each teaching period, which means that a lecturer with 8 teaching periods a day has income of VND2 million per day.

According to a master’s degree holder in HCM City, lecturers at universities with autonomy have higher income than those at state schools. He said he earns VND30 million a month.

Le Huyen