VietNamNet Bridge - Located on an area of 12ha in Chat Dau Valley of the Tam Dao National Park in Vinh Phuc Province, with a total investment of more than $3.3 million, the bear rescue center was established in 2005 but it is in danger of relocation.

No decision made on relocation of Vietnam Bear Rescue Center
Tam Dao bear rescue center and “national security”
Who deprives the bears’ home?
104 bears to be removed from national park

The Vietnam Bear Rescue Center in Tam Dao National Park was established
 with the purpose of liberating unfortunate bears, bringing them back to
nature and to preserve the bear species which has been listed in the
 Red Book. This is the most modern bear rescue center in Asia, a
project of the Animals Asia Foundation - AAF.

The center has many hills and it is far away from residential areas.
Being established in 2005 with a small house where bears were
taken care for, until 2008 the Prime Minister approved the project.
By the end of 2010 the center completed the construction of four
bear preservation zones, including two wild zones and two isolation zones.

At present, the center is protecting 103 bears, including 95
 Tibetan bears and 7 Malayan bears.

Bears come to the center in different circumstances. Some of them were
rescued by relevant agencies from illegal traders while some were voluntarily
handed in by people. Most bears were taken to the center in a state
 of poor health after their bile was collected.

To create conditions for them to enjoy the nature, caregivers often spread
 food all over the grass or hang them high for bears to search for food.

The bears here have chipsets for management.

To heal and recover bears, professionals and doctors have to work hard each day.

Doctors are making anesthesia for a bear for treatment in an isolation room.
 Dr. Tuan Bendixsen, AAF Chief Representative, said some bears were
brought to the center in a very weak condition but thanks to the care
of professionals, they could live for three years before death.

The health status of bears is continuously monitored. Doctor said the
center has many modern equipment, just missing the X-ray machine.

After treatment, healthy bears will join the integration process. They will be
 put into chambers to have contact with other bears in the certain limited conditions.

On October 5, the center received a notice of the Ministry of Agriculture
and Rural Development on the stop of the entire construction activities
 of the center and relocation of the entire 103 bears out of the Chat Dau Valley.

Translated by Mai Lan