ASEAN could connect countries to address tensions in the East Sea, heard a recent international workshop in France.


An overview of the workshop

The event was held by Paul-Valerie Montpellier 3 University and its partners as part of the International Francophone Week.

Participants evaluated the situation in the East Sea as well as sovereignty disputes and escalating risks in the region.

Sophie Boisseau de Rocher from the French Institute of International Relations suggested devising a management mechanism.

Meanwhile, Benoit de Treglode from the Institute for Strategic Research under the French Defense Academy said involved parties should seek marine cooperation and mutual trust relations.

He cited Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang and Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc as saying they want to create a new cooperation policy.

Speakers agreed that ASEAN could play a connecting role to forge relations with the US, Europe, and China.

The East Sea has a crucial geo-political role and a global marine trade route along with rich aquaculture, oil and gas resources.