President Tran Dai Quang held talks with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani following the welcome ceremony in Hanoi on October 6, expressing his belief that the visit will generate a fresh driving force to promote bilateral ties for the benefit of the two peoples. 

President Quang stressed that the visit reflects Iranian leaders’ determination to further deepen friendly relations between the two countries. 

President Rouhani, who is on the Vietnam visit from October 5-7, congratulated Vietnam on its achievements in diverse areas, including maintained social security, sustainable growth and enhanced regional and global economic integration. 

Both leaders expressed their pleasure with the development of Vietnam-Iran relations since the establishment of their diplomatic ties more than 40 years ago, especially following the Iranian visit by former President Truong Tan Sang in March 2016. 

They discussed measures and orientations to further tightening political links, giving priority to extending economic ties in order to make the bilateral relationship more practical and deeper. 

On the political front, the two sides agreed to continue the tradition of granting each other mutual support for prosperity in the two countries, and peace in the region and the world, and underscored the need to increase the exchange of visits on the State, National Assembly, Government, local and business channels, as well as effectively uphold existing mechanisms such as the Inter-Governmental Committee and political consultation. 

Host and guest said developing countries need to enhance cooperation, maintain peace and stability in Southeast Asia and West Asia for the common benefit of the international community. 

They agreed to strengthen consultation on regional and global issues on the basis of general principles accepted by the international community. 

President Rouhani affirmed that Iran highly values ties with Vietnam and Southeast Asian countries. 

The Iranian side thanked Vietnam for backing Iran in joining the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation. 

Economic partnership was a focus at the talks. The two sides vowed to facilitate their enterprises’ access to each other’s market to seek business and investment opportunities. 

They discussed measures to soon reach 2 billion USD in trade revenue, including setting up payment mechanisms between the two countries’ banks, and promoting investment cooperation in such potential fields as oil and gas, petrochemical products, and construction materials. 

Iran said they want to invest in oil refining and petroleum chemistry, thermal power, infrastructure building, medicine production, agriculture and aquaculture in Vietnam. 

President Rouhani suggested both sides consider planting Iran’s rice varieties in Vietnam to export back to his country. The two sides also mulled over many measures to enhance the export of Vietnam’s rice to Iran at the talks. 

The visiting leader considered a telecommunication agreement as an important foundation for the two countries to boost collaboration in this domain. 

President Quang agreed on his guest’s suggestions, adding that their countries should bolster ties in areas like information technology, telecommunications and oil and gas, which boast huge cooperation potential at present. 

He asked Iran to provide favourable conditions for Vietnamese firms such as Viettel, VNPT and FPT to implement their business projects in the Islamic Republic. He also welcomed Iranian enterprises to invest in Vietnam. 

During the talks, the leaders also looked into affiliation in defence, security, agriculture, education-training, science, high technology, culture and tourism, along with locality-to-locality partnerships. 

They pledged to promote relevant ministries’ implementation of the outcomes of this visit to maintain the growth momentum in bilateral relations. 

They agreed to soon organise the ninth meeting of the Vietnam – Iran Inter-Governmental Committee so as to carry out the agreements reached at during the visit. 

Following the talks, the two Presidents witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in information and communications and an agreement on visa exemption for official passport holders. 

On this occasion, President Rouhani invited his Vietnamese counterpart to visit Iran. The host leader accepted the invitation with pleasure.

Iranian President wants to reinforce ties with Vietnam


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said he wants to enhance the friendship and cooperation between Iran and Vietnam in the coming time for mutual benefits as well as for regional and global peace and development.

The visiting State leader expressed his wish while meeting with Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in Hanoi on October 6.

He confirmed Iran’s determination to implement effectively the cooperation agreements reached by the two countries during his visit to Vietnam from October 5-7, including the active preparation for the upcoming 9 th Inter-governmental Committee meeting.

The President congratulated Vietnam on the successful organisation of the 12 th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the election of deputies to the 14 th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels.

He also highly valued Vietnam ’s accomplishments in the “Doi Moi” (renewal) process and its external policy of independence and self-reliance, hailing the country’s active role in regional and global arenas, and wishing Vietnamese people to gain more immense achievements in the nation-building process.

For his part, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong congratulated Iran on breaking foreign embargoes to stabilise politics, develop economy, and increase its position in the region and the globe.

He affirmed that the Vietnamese Party and State always pay heed to developing the friendship and collaboration with traditional friends in the Middle Eastern region, including Iran .

To promote the cooperative achievements over the past 40 years, the Party chief suggested the two countries increase all-level delegation exchanges, especially among businesses, to seek concrete measures to boost two-way trade and investment.

He also recommended promoting people-to-people exchanges and affiliation in culture, sports, education-training, and tourism to deepen mutual understanding and reinforce the long-standing cooperative ties.

Later on the day, Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang hosted a banquet for his Iranian counterpart.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc receives Iranian President


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met with visiting Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Hanoi on October 6. 

The PM congratulated the southwest Asian country on the removal of international sanctions and a nuclear deal secured with the P5+1, saying the new situation opens up great cooperation opportunities for Vietnam and Iran. 

Vietnam treasures the mutually-beneficial ties with Iran, he said, expressing his belief that President Hassan Rouhani ’s visit will open up a new chapter in the two countries’ relations. 

PM Phuc lauded the outcomes of the two Presidents’ talks earlier during the day and agreements reached during the visit so far, and pledged to lead the Government in implementing the agreements, towards the goal of lifting bilateral trade turnover to 2 billion USD. 

Specifically, the PM suggested the sides focus on facilitating trade activities, particularly the export of tea, seafood, rice, cashew, coffee, peppercorns, apparel, and rubber from Vietnam as well as the shipments of plastic materials, metal, chemicals, ores, machinery, dried fruit and carpets from Iran. 

He proposed elevating rice trade to the State level to stabilize the market in the long-term, adding that he supports a joint project between Iran and the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho on the cultivation of Iranian long-grain rice in Vietnam for export to Iran. 

The PM urged stronger cooperation in IT and telecommunications, asking the Iranian Government to facilitate the operation of Vietnamese telecom companies in Iran. 

He also requested further support from the Iranian side for PetroVietnam in resuming oil exploration at the Danan oil block in Iran. 

PM Phuc noted that Vietnam’s participation in a range of free trade agreements will provide opportunities for foreign investors and businesses, including those from Iran. 

Concerning the East Sea issue, the PM urged Iran to continue supporting the maintenance of peace, stability, security, freedom and safety of navigation and aviation; the settlement of disputes by peaceful measures in line with international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea; the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties on the East Sea (DOC) and efforts to achieve a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) within 2017. 

For his part, Hassan Rouhani stressed that his ongoing visit demonstrates the strong will of Iranian leaders in enhancing the relationship with Vietnam. 

The President said Iran wants to work together with Vietnam in realizing agreements secured by the two countries’ inter-governmental committee, particularly in the fields of energy, oil and gas, IT and agriculture. 

He agreed with his host on facilitating the connectivity of Vietnamese and Iranian businesses, adding that Iran is willing to supply Vietnam with construction materials and join cooperation projects in building thermo-power plants, water supply systems, and roads and bridges. 

He thanked Vietnam for supporting his country in becoming a member of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. 

President Hassan Rouhani said he hopes the two countries accelerate negotiations to sign a bilateral free trade pact and suggested the establishment of a maritime route between the two countries. 

He described PetroVietnam’s oil exploration project in Danan oil block is a symbol of bilateral cooperation, adding that the two sides should work together to resume the project. 

The President expressed joy at the signing of several deals between Vietnamese and Iranian central banks, which he said will stimulate the two countries’ comprehensive cooperation. 

He also suggested stronger connection in cultural exchange, tourism and education, stating that more scholarships will be offered for Vietnamese students. 

At the meeting, PM Phuc extended his invitation to visit Vietnam to Iran's First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri.

VN, Iran issue joint statement on Iran President’s visit

Vietnam and Iran issued a joint statement on the State visit to Vietnam from October 5-7 by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

The following is the full text of the joint statement. 

“1. At the invitation of H.E. Mr. Tran Dai Quang, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, H.E. Mr. Hassan Rouhani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran paid a State visit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam from 5-7 October 2016. 

2. H.E. Dr. Hassan Rouhani paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, held official talks with H.E. Mr. Tran Dai Quang and met H.E. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister. In a cordial and friendly atmosphere, both sides exchanged views on cooperation in issues of common interest in bilateral relations, regional and international issues. 

3. The two Presidents expressed their satisfaction at the progress in bilateral ties since the establishment of diplomatic relations 43 years ago. President Rouhani congratulated Vietnam on the achievements recorded in various areas, maintaining social security and sustainable growth, improving business environment, accelerating international and regional economic integration. President Tran Dai Quang commended the leaders and people of Iran on Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and subsequent developments, including the lifting of sanctions, opening up opportunities for accelerating bilateral cooperation in various aspects politically, economically and culturally. 

4. President Tran Dai Quang and President Rouhani agreed to further intensify more frequent and wider exchange of visits and contacts at various levels and via different channels between the governments, parliaments, localities, people to people, businesses and reaffirmed the effective continuation of the existing bilateral cooperation mechanisms including the joint-governmental economic commission, political consultative meeting and others, consolidating mutual strategic trust.  

5. The Iranian side appreciated the continued support of Vietnam to Iran’s joining in ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC). The two sides are willing to strengthen cooperation in relevant fields and make joint efforts for progress and prosperity of Asian region including ASEAN. 

6. The two sides agreed to consolidate mutual consultation and support within regional and international fora. Vietnam thanked Iran for its support to Vietnam’s candidatures to international organizations, especially within the United Nations framework and requested for Iran’s continued supports to Vietnam’s candidates for the post of the UNESCO Director General for the term 2017-2021 and the International Law Commission for the term 2017-2021. The Iranian side took note of the request and pledged to consider it positively. 

7. The two Leaders agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation in trade and investment and pledged to provide favorable conditions for businesses of both countries to increase access to each other’s market so as to achieve the targeted bilateral trade turnover of 2 billion USD in the coming time. Both sides shared the idea of cooperating in rice plantation in Vietnam for exporting to Iran. The two Presidents affirmed the importance of further cooperation in information and telecommunications, science and technology, engineering services, agriculture, energy, security, among others. The Vietnamese side took note of the Iranian side’s proposals regarding the estabishment of joint committees on investment and banking. 

8. The two sides agreed to further strengthen consultation and exchange of views in fighting against illegal trafficking of goods, drugs and drug-related materials, transnational and cyber crimes, consolidating relevant cooperation mechanisms. 

9. The two Presidents agreed to boost cooperation in higher education, exchange of professors and students, tourism, health, youth and sports. In order to boost people-to-people exchange, the two sides agreed to support and provide necessary facilitation to citizens of Vietnam and Iran in visiting each other’s country. 

10. The two Presidents were of the views that the regional and international situation is experiencing profound and complex changes. In such a condition, both sides emphasized on cooperation of developing countries in international affairs. The two Leaders shared the belief that peace and stability in South East Asia and West Asia should be maintained in the interest of the international community. 

11. The two Leaders emphasized the need for the international community's determination in the fight against terrorism and extremism and encouraged dialogues on policies and practical cooperation in this regard. The two sides appreciated the United Nations General Assembly’s resolution titled “World Against Violence and Extremism” (WAVE) which was adopted on the proposal of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a proper framework for achieving this objective. 

12. The two sides welcomed the signing of the Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the Mutual Abolition of Visas for Holders of Official/Service Passports and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Information and Communication of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Cooperation on Information and Communications. 

13. President Hassan Rouhani expressed warm appreciation to President Tran Dai Quang, the Government and the people of Vietnam for the warm hospitality accorded to him and his delegation during his visit in Vietnam. 

14. President Hassan Rouhani extended an invitation to President Tran Dai Quang to visit Iran. President Tran Dai Quang gladly accepted the invitation. Dates for the visit shall be communicated through diplomatic channels.”

Overview of Vietnam - Iran diplomatic relations
