Lectures and demonstrations about ninjas will be held by the Japan Foundation Centre for Cultural Exchange in Vietnam in collaboration with Japanese National University, Mie University on November 16 and 17.


Two ninjas perform at the Iga Ninja Museum. Professors from Mie University, placed in Mie prefecture, known as the home of the Iga ninja, will hold lectures about ninja on November 16 and 17. — Photo japan-guide.com

Ninjas are popular worldwide through film, anime, manga and more. But kind of person is a ninja? What skills do ninjas have?

Professors from Mie University, placed in Mie prefecture, known as the home of the Iga ninja, will hold a lecture about ninjas, while Master Kawakami, the 21st head of the Koka ninja clan will demonstrate ninja skills. The lecturers will talk about ninjas from a cultural and historical aspects.

The lectures and demonstrations, in Japanese with Vietnamese interpretation, will take place today at Vietnamese Women’s Museum (conference room), 2nd floor, 36 Ly Thuong Kit Street, from 6-10pm; and at the Viet Nam National University, University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Building E, 8th floor),  336 Nguyen Trai Road, Thanh Xuan District. Admission is free. — VNS