japanese film crew promote tourism of central vietnam picture 1

My Son tower, which has been recognised by UNESCO as part of World Cultural Heritage, and a fish sauce production facility in Duy Xuyen district were chosen by the 17-member Japanese crew for the film production.

Attractions throughout Hoi An Ancient City such as Bridge pagoda, Phung Hung and Tan Ky age-old houses, and the Hoi An Museum of Trade Ceramics also appeared in the tourism promotion films.

During their stay, the Japanese crew also released flower lanterns on the Hoai River, tasted local delicacy Cao Lầu (mixed noodle dish), and visited the XQ embroidery workshop to learn more about local cuisine and trading. 

The group are also touring around several famous sightseeing spots in Da Nang such as My Khe beach up to April 7.

Tokai TV is the largest television channel in the central region of Japan. The tourism promotion films about Quang Nam and Da Nang will be broadcast from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on June 15 on Channel 1 in Aichi Prefecture on Tokai TV.