The Hanoi People’s Court on Wednesday sentenced a Korean man, Lee WanSu, 45, to 13 years of imprisonment for aggravated robbery.


Lee WanSu is at the court which sentences him to 13 years of imprisonment for aggravated robbery. 

On March 8, on spotting his landlady Kim SoonJa standing alone on the second floor, drinking water, Lee threatened her with a rock and a knife, demanding $10,000.

Lee then struck Kim on the head with the rock. When she cried out, he used an electric wire to attempt to strangle her.

Nguyen Van Quan, Kim’s cook, heard the commotion and confronted Lee, forcing him to stop attacking Kim and run off with $10,000, a Samsung mobile phone worth VNĐ200,000 ($9) and VNĐ2.2 million ($98) from his victim.

Lee had entered Viet Nam on May 7 last year to study the country’s market for his trading business.

In mid-February this year, he had rented the fourth floor of the house in Trung Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, for US$500 per month, from Kim, also a Korean, who had herself rented the house from a Vietnamese.