Kumquat gardens located in the Mekong Delta region of Dong Thap province have seen large numbers of visitors as Tet draws near. The price of an entrance ticket costs VND50,000 each.


Lai Vung in Dong Thap province covers an area of nearly 2,000 hectares specifically for cultivating kumquat trees. According to a gardener in Long Hau commune, the region provides 20,000 to 40,000 tons of kumquat annually to the local market,

lai vung kumquat garden attracts visitors as tet approaches hinh 2

Kumquat gardens are popular destinations for visitors all year-round. A local grower says he plans to rear fish in ponds to provide visitors with a fresh experience.

lai vung kumquat garden attracts visitors as tet approaches hinh 3

A local gardener believes the bad weather this year has affected the crop of kumquat trees

lai vung kumquat garden attracts visitors as tet approaches hinh 4

Despite the hot weather, kumquat gardens have welcomed a large number of visitors from Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho, and Vinh Long. 

lai vung kumquat garden attracts visitors as tet approaches hinh 5

Currently, some garden owners in Lai Vung are participating in cooperatives to promote tourism in the region. Entrance ticket cost about VND50,000 with visitors being able to enjoy some local fruit.

lai vung kumquat garden attracts visitors as tet approaches hinh 6

Some gardens have created spaces featuring the daily life of locals in the western region for visitors to experience. A local gardener says he welcomes more than 100 visitors each day.

lai vung kumquat garden attracts visitors as tet approaches hinh 7

lai vung kumquat garden attracts visitors as tet approaches hinh 8

lai vung kumquat garden attracts visitors as tet approaches hinh 9Kumquat are sold at VND35,000 per kilo.