A landslide along the Tien River in Dong Thap  Province’s Hong Ngu District on Sunday night caused a coffee shop and 2,400 square metres of land to sink into the river.


Authorities in Long Thuan Commune in Dong Thap Province help households evacuate after a landslide occurred along the Tien River on August 13. 

The erosion of the 100metre stretch of land threatens the safety of nine houses situated nearby.

Long Thanh hamlet authorities immediately helped the nine households move their stuff to safer places.

Three of them have been properly relocated while the rest is awaiting approval from authorities in nearby communes.

So far this year Long Thuan Commune, where Long Thanh hamlet is situated, has suffered six landslides, losing 300,000 square metres of land, forcing 15 households to evacuate, and causing loss of property worth VNĐ700 million (US$30,800).