Lao newspapers have recently carried a number of stories on their front pages highlighting the official visit to Laos by Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc from April 26-27 as a significant contribution to deepening the bilateral relations for the sake of the two peoples.


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) visits Laos

The “Pasaxon” and “PathetLao” newspapers posted the full text of the Joint Statement between Vietnam and Laos and affirmed the visit has been successful with the signing of nine important cooperation documents.

Notably were the agreement between Vietnam’s Ministry of Transport and Laos’ Ministry of Public Works and Transport on the joint management and utilization of Vung Ang port to pave the way for Laos to access sea routes, and another agreement between the two ministries on building a railway connecting Vientiane – Thakhek – Mu Gia – Tan Ap – and Vung Ang.

According to the Lao newspapers, the two PMs launched the Vietnam-Laos Solidarity and Friendship Year 2017 and agreed to host activities in celebration of the 55th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties and the 40th anniversary of signing the Vietnam – Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.

The Vientiane Times on April 27-28 run two stories titled “Major deals signed as Vietnam PM visits” and “Vietnamese PM’s visit spurs further cooperation”, highlighting the significant outcomes of the visit, especially the signing of a number of agreements worth hundreds of millions of USD.

The PathetLao on April 28 ran a story saying the visit of PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc means to reiterate the consistent viewpoint of the two countries’ Parties, governments and peoples to nurture the close-knit ties between Vietnam and Laos, which were founded by Presidents Ho Chi Minh, Kaysone Phomvihane and Suphanouvong.

The New Vientiane newspaper on April 27 carried an article saying Lao Party General Secretary and President Bounnhang Volachith highly values the first official visit to Laos by Nguyen Xuan Phuc on his position as Vietnamese PM, which helped strengthen and deepen the relations between the two countries’ Parties and States.

The Lao National Television also reported the outcomes of the visit.