The Party and State of Laos highly value the outcomes of cooperation with Vietnam in developing the border areas between the two countries, a Lao official has said.


Head of the Vietnamese Party Central Committee’s Economics Commission Nguyen Van Binh (R) meets with Thongvanh Vilayheuang, deputy head of Laos’s Central Committee on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication, in Hanoi on November 14. 

Thongvanh Vilayheuang, deputy head of Laos’s Central Committee on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication, met with head of the Vietnamese Party Central Committee’s Economics Commission Nguyen Van Binh in Hanoi on November 14.

He went on to say that the two sides will continue close coordination to tackle shortcomings and successfully realise the set targets.

He congratulated significant achievements Vietnam has gained in various spheres while expressing his delight at the growing special solidarity between the two countries. The official thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for enormous support to his country throughout history.

At the meeting, Binh also congratulated Laos on its attainments in national development and protection and rejoiced at the countries’ result-oriented relations.

He spoke highly of the Vietnam-Laos cooperation in developing border areas, along with efforts by relevant agencies, particularly those in border provinces, in the work.

The two sides should work together closer to effectively implement the signed agreements and increase experience exchanges in building new-style rural areas, he added.

Binh reiterated that the Party, State and people of Vietnam are joining their Lao counterparts in solidifying the two nations’ traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation.