Law makers discussed adjustments to the 2017 law and ordnance making programme as well as draft contents of the 2018 programme at the ongoing third session of the 14th National Assembly (NA) on May 23.


Head of the NA Law Committee Nguyen Khac Dinh said that a principle for adjusting the 2017 programme and making the 2018 one is prioritising bills which aim to realise the 12th National Party Congress’s documents and resolutions and conclusions of the Party Central Committee, Politburo and Secretariat meetings in order to meet socio-economic development requirements.

Draft laws included in the programme must have quality and contain full documents as regulated by the Law on the Promulgation of Legal Documents.

The NA Standing Committee will withdraw or ask for extended preparation time for those which have yet to ensure quality or lack documents.

Therefore, according to the adjusted 2017 law and ordnance making programme, the legislature will approve 13 laws and three resolutions, and consider five bills at the third session.

Six laws will be adopted and 11 bills considered at the fourth session.

Meanwhile, the 2018 programme includes 24 bills and one draft resolution.

At the group discussion, most deputies agreed that over the past time, NA agencies and organisations have made efforts in making laws and ordnances, thus contributing to increasing the quality of draft laws.

Also at the May 23 sitting, law makers debated the legislative body’s supervision programme in 2018.

Accordingly, at the fifth session, the NA will consider and discuss the Government’s supplementary report on the implementation of socio-economic development plans and state budget in 2017 and in the first months of 2018, along with a report on state budget balance in 2016. A question and answer session will be also on agenda.

At the sixth session, the settlement of complaints and denunciations, the enforcement of the legislature’s constitution, laws and resolutions, and the anti-corruption work and thrift practice and wastefulness fight will be put on table.

Deputy Nguyen Quang Tuan from Hanoi said that the implementation of policies and laws on the rearrangement and equitisation of state-owned enterprises, and the use of Government bonds and foreign loans in socio-economic development infrastructure should be put in the 2018 supervision programme.

Deputy Ho Duc Phoc from Nghe An stressed the need to include the supervision over the commercial bank system in the programme in order to deal with weakly-performing banks and make bad debt settlement transparent.

In the afternoon, law makers discussed several contents of the Law on Support for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises.