Thousands of people in HCM City's District 10 are risking their life in two old deteriorating apartment buildings that may collapse at any time. 

Ngo Gia Tu and An Quang apartment buildings in District 10 were built nearly 50 years ago and have become seriously deteriorated. Cracks can be seen on walls, ceilings or staircases despite numerous upgrades and restoration work.



Ngo Gia Tu apartment buildings were built in 1968 with 16 four-storey blocks. Local authorities have recently asked residents to move but many have refused as the compensation payments are far too low.


Many people have built extra room to enlarge their living space, adding more burden to the already weak walls. 

Người dân dùng đủ loại vật liệu như vải bạt, gỗ, sắt thép khiến chung cư nhếch nhác. Khoảng không giữa 2 lô chung cư, nhiều hộ vây bạt làm nhà vệ sinh gây ô nhiễm.



Wastes, sewage, and rats have also become a big problem for thousands of residents here due to poor waste treatment system.


Rubbish can be seen all over the roofs.


A market in the middle of the apartment blocks is also dirty.


Pham Thi Le, 76, said that she has been living here for over 40 years now and does not want to move. "It is very convenient here," Le said. "But if the government wants to destroy the old buildings, they should help resettle us in a good area."


An elderly man has to hang a hammock in the corridor to read a book due to a lack of space indoors

Người phụ nữ quét lớp đất bụi do hộ dân phía trên xả xuống.

Some families live in the staircase areas.


A small boy tried to avoid waste water drops from the An Quang building as he walked home.


Trần nhà bong tróc lòi sắt thép ra ngoài tại chung cư Ấn Quang, quận 10.

Paint cover fell from the ceiling at An Quang building

Đủ thứ vật dụng treo lơ lửng bên ngoài mỗi hộ dân.

Nhiều gia đình dùng gỗ, sắt cơi nới thêm những chuồng cọp. Đây là nơi ẩn chứa nhiều nguy cơ cháy nổ.

Hàng nghìn hộ dân giữa trung tâm Sài Gòn đang sống trong tình trạng ô nhiễm nặng.
