The number of enterprises in Vietnam applying artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology is small, but nearly a quarter of enterprises will apply similar technologies over the next three years, according to a report by Navigos Search.


Customers are seen at a transaction office of Eximbank. Local firms including banks are planning AI, blockchain applications

The report, released on August 28, indicated that the three new technologies widely used by enterprises are cloud computing, Big Data and automation.

Emerging technologies such as AI and blockchain have also been used by enterprises, but they are not yet popular. Some 9% of the enterprises evaluated in the report noted that they have applied blockchain technology, and 19% of them have applied AI.

Besides this, up to 66% of the respondents claimed that their businesses were interested in the new technologies of AI and blockchain.

According to the report, which surveyed 1,100 people active in technological fields last July, 86% of respondents expressed their views on the development potential and benefits of AI and blockchain.

In particular, AI and Big Data applications over the next 5-10 years will help enterprises analyze data and produce better solutions, noted 39% of respondents. AI also facilitates the shift to automation, according to 24% of respondents.

As for blockchain, it was said to have had positive effects on the banking-finance sector. Banks can make use of this technology to transfer money safely and quickly, as well as to verify the quality and authenticity of goods and payments. Blockchain can also be used in operating large-scale businesses or digital ecosystems.