Music group Maestoso will organize Cathedral Concert Series No.1 at St Joseph Cathedral in Hanoi on June 29, starting at 8 p.m., offering free concerts to the public and bringing a new and unique experience to Vietnamese musicians and audiences.


St Joseph Cathedral in Hanoi where Maestoso will organize the first concert in the Cathedral Concert Series 

The peculiar architecture of the cathedral will deliver a high-quality acoustic and an intimate atmosphere to the listeners. With an aim to bring classical music to Vietnamese public in the widest way possible, all the concerts in the cathedral will be free of charge and opened to all audiences.

Both performers and audiences will be able to experience the cozy atmosphere of the traditional European classical music. The long-term goal of this series is to create a habit of enjoying classical music, in its most original way, so that the art can gradually become a cultural grace of the capital.

Artistic director of Cathedral Concert Series project is pianist Luu Duc Anh, an experienced musician with many international prizes and frequent appearances on concert halls of many countries in the world. He will be in charge of choosing performers as well as all concerts of the series. He is currently one of the most active musicians in Vietnam with numerous domestic and international concerts.

The first concert in the Cathedral Concert Series will take place this Friday with the participation of young talented Vietnamese artists, including pianist Hoang Ho Thu, violinist Hoang Ho Khanh Van, cellist Phan Do Phuc, and pianist Luu Duc Anh.

Ho Thu and Khanh Van are both pursuing their degrees at the prestigious Ferenc Liszt in Hungary. The sisters have collaborated in many chamber concerts. In March 2018, they were awarded the First Prize at the National Dohnányi Ernő Chamber Music Competition in Debreccen, Hungary.

Do Phuc is a young artist with strong experiences in solo performances and with orchestras in countries all over the world. He is currently a lecturer while completing his doctorate degree in Performance at Stony Brook University in the U.S.

Duc Anh is the co-founder of Maestoso and one of the prominent young artists in Vietnam today, having won numerous international awards and performed in many countries in the world. For his contribution to Vietnam’s classical music scene, he was chosen as one of Hanoi’s Top 10 Outstanding Young Faces and of Vietnam’s Top 10 Outstanding Young Faces in 2017.