Lao Deputy Ambassador to Russia Vongvilay Thiphalangsy has offered his best wishes to the Party, State and people of Vietnam during his visit to the Vietnamese embassy in the country on the occasion of the 77th National Day of Vietnam (September 2).

The diplomat said he was delighted with the close relations between the two embassies, and expressed his wish that this relationship would continue to be tightened.

For his part, Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Dang Minh Khoi affirmed that the relationship between the two countries and the two embassies is not only a friendly but also a fraternal one. He affirmed the wish of the Vietnamese Party, Government and people to always continue to foster a stronger friendship between Vietnam and Laos.

The Vietnamese Embassy in Hungary has held a ceremony to mark the 77th National Day, which gathered Hungary government and parliament officials as well as 400 representatives from diplomatic corps and press agencies and Vietnamese expatriates.  

Addressing the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to Hungary Nguyen Thi Bich Thao said the two countries' governments and people have always treasured and strengthen the bilateral relations. She expressed her belief that the relations will continue to develop strongly in the coming time, meeting the legitimate aspirations and interests of the two countries' people.

Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Ádám Stifter congratulated Vietnam on the anniversary.

The official emphasised that Vietnam is Hungary's most important partner in Southeast Asia, while latter was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with the former. He asserted that the Vietnam - Hungary Comprehensive Partnership has been developing sustainably and will continue to grow further on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.

Revolutionary changes proposed to draft Gender Affirmation Law

Medical interventions are now non-obligatory for people who want to be recognised as transgender, and trans men are eligible for maternity leave should they be pregnant.

These amendments were proposed to the draft Gender Affirmation Law and were discussed during the Policy Dialogue on International Experiences & Consultation on the Draft Gender Affirmation Law organised in Hà Nội last week.

Eighty representatives from the National Assembly, Ministries, NGOs and UN organisations gave their recommendations for the Gender Affirmation Law, which was drafted in June and is being amended by the Ministry of Health to present to the National Assembly Standing Committee this year.

According to the Ministry of Health, there are currently 480,000 people in Việt Nam who are transgender. They face discrimination in many aspects of life.

Although the right to change sex in Việt Nam has been recognised since 2015, very few transgender people are legally recognised.

Legally accepted sex change surgery in Việt Nam, which is only available in hospitals such as Chợ Rẫy and Bạch Mai, requires the person to have a bodily part that is not of their sex at birth. For example, men with uteruses or vaginas.

This led many Vietnamese transgender people to go abroad or to illegal medical facilities to implement sex change surgery. These surgeries, if not done correctly, can be fatal.

For those who travel to countries such as Thailand for sex change surgery, even if the surgery is successful, their sex change is not legally recognised since the surgery was not conducted in Việt Nam.

The draft Gender Affirmation Law, if finished and approved, could enable transgender people to change and affirm their gender in Việt Nam legally.

The Draft Gender Affirmation Law will enable transgender people to apply for recognition without having undergone sex change surgery, and they can choose to have sex change surgery or not.

Annual event honours blood donors

One hundred Vietnamese blood donors were honoured at a ceremony on Sunday in Hà Nội.

The annual event was jointly organised by the Việt Nam Red Cross Society, the National Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation Mobilisation and the National Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion.

The event honours outstanding blood donors or people who have made great contributions to the voluntary blood donation movement in Việt Nam. It also aims to promote community awareness of blood safety and encourage people to regularly donate blood across the country.

Among the 100 outstanding donors, many have donated blood more than 60 times.

According to the health sector, over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected blood collection and mobilisation.

However, the amount of blood received in 2021 still reached nearly 1.4 million blood units, of which 99 per cent are from voluntary blood donors, equivalent to nearly 1.5 per cent of the population participating in blood donation.

In the first six months of 2022, the whole country mobilised and received more than 850,000 blood units through various campaigns such as: Campaign for voluntary blood donation during Tết (Lunar New Year), Red Spring festival and People's Day of Voluntary Blood Donation April 7, the Red Blood Drops and Red Journey.

NA irregular meeting discusses socio-economic recovery, public investment plans

The National Assembly’s Standing Committee gathered on Monday for an irregular meeting, which discussed funding for the socio-economic recovery and development programme, and the State budget allocation for the medium-term public investment plan in the 2021 - 2025 period. 

Presiding over the meeting, NA Chairman Vương Đình Huệ said that the goal of Resolution No 43/2022/QH15 on fiscal and monetary policies is to support socio-economic recovery and development. 

It will adjust the overall supply and demand of the economy through fiscal and monetary policies in various industries, in particular infrastructure, healthcare, labour, social welfare and digital transformation.

The goal is to achieve GDP growth of the entire NA’s tenure of 6.5 to 7 per cent. 

Officials also discussed the unallocated VNĐ932 billion of remaining funds in the healthcare, social welfare and labour sectors; and the 2022 central budget estimates of ministries, localities and government departments. 

Several projects using funding from the Resolution have been approved and implemented, such as the four key national projects, which are the second phase of the North-South Expressway’s eastern section; the first phase of Châu Đốc - Cần Thơ - Sóc Trăng Expressway; Khánh Hòa - Buôn Mê Thuột Expressway; and Biên Hòa – Vũng Tàu Expressway. 

Following the reports from the Government and the NA’s Committee on Finance - Budget, Huệ said that the Standing Committee agreed with the budget allocation criteria based on Resolutions No 43/2022/QH15 and 29/2021/QH15, with the latter on the medium-term public investment plan. 

The Standing Committee also approved the Government’s proposal on the budget allocation list in the socio-economic recovery development programme, which set out VNĐ176 trillion for ministries, central agencies and localities according to the Law on Public Investment. 

Vietnamese, Cuban foreign ministries hold seventh political consultation

Cuba’s First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Gerardo Peñalver Portal is on an official visit to Việt Nam for the seventh political consultation between the two foreign ministries from August 28 – September 1 at the invitation of the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

At the seventh political consultation on Monday, Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Hà Kim Ngọc once again expressed the sympathy and solidarity with the Party, State and people of Cuba over huge losses caused by the oil storage facility explosion in Matanzas on August 5.

Ngọc thanked Cuba for providing Việt Nam with timely and effective support and cooperation in the fight against COVID-19. He affirmed Việt Nam’s consistent stance on staying united with Cuba and calling for an end to the blockade and unilateral embargo on the Latin American country.

Portal conveyed regards from the Cuban Party, State and Government leaders to their Vietnamese counterparts. He informed Deputy FM Ngọc about Cuba’s socio-economic model and responses to difficulties caused by the blockade and COVID-19 pandemic.

Both sides reviewed areas of cooperation between the two countries and ministries and agreed on measures and orientations to deepening their special relationship in the near future.

They agreed to continue working closely together to prepare for high-level visits and meetings, effectively uphold the efficiency of mechanisms related to theoretical workshop between the two Parties, the Inter-Governmental Committee on Economic, Scientific-Technological Cooperation, the defence policy dialogue, and the political consultation between the two foreign ministries.

They vowed to enhance exchanges between ministries, sectors and business communities, step up trade and investment in fields of shared concern such as food, education, healthcare, sci-tech, culture, sports and tourism.

On regional and global issues of shared concern, they also agreed to continue with consultations and offer mutual support at international organisations and multilateral forums to which both Việt Nam and Cuba are members, particularly at the United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement.

Following the event, they signed a political consultation plan for the 2023-25 period.

VN always considers US one of top important partners: Deputy PM

Việt Nam always considers the US one of its top important partners, Deputy Prime Minister Vũ Đức Đam told visiting Senior Aid to US Senator Tim Rieser at a reception in Hà Nội on Monday.

Deputy PM Đam thanked the US official for his contributions to ties between the two US parties and Việt Nam as well as post-war recovery programmes between the two Governments.

He said generations of the two countries’ leaders have made tireless efforts to turn post-war recovery cooperation into a pillar in bilateral comprehensive partnership. It is of significance during the process of reconciliation and trust building between the two Governments and people, thus opening up cooperation opportunities in other important fields.

The Deputy PM wished the US would continue bringing bilateral comprehensive partnership forward on the basis of respecting independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political regime of each other, toward lifting ties when conditions are favourable.

On the occasion, the host also thanked the US Government, people and Rieser for providing Việt Nam with timely support in medicines and medical equipment, including the donation of over 40 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines.

Rieser shared the two US parties and administration’s stance on supporting long-standing relationship with Việt Nam.

He vowed to continue pooling the support of the US Government and Parliament to offer resources and funding for post-war recovery programmes in Việt Nam, such as detoxification at Biên Hoà airbase, bomb and mine clearance, support for the disabled affected by war and search for remains of the US servicemen and Vietnamese soldiers.

Both sides talked about activities to further deepen ties on bilateral, regional and global pillars via maintaining exchanges between leaders, offering mutual support in climate change response within regional and global cooperation frameworks and mechanisms as well as response to common challenges. 

Clean energy transition needed for growth and resilient, prosperous future: COP26 president

The President of the COP26 held high-level discussions with Vietnamese government leaders on Monday, on climate change response, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, net-zero commitments and the establishment of an energy partnership.

Alok Sharma, President of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), is visiting Việt Nam to discuss energy transition and climate change impact mitigation with State leaders.

Meeting with Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính, Sharma expressed his high regard for the country’s commitments at COP26 and the actions taken to realise these responsibilities. 

Sharma said he would work with other countries, international organisations and the United Nations to help Việt Nam execute its commitments in just energy transition. 

PM Chính agreed that climate change is an issue that affects the global population as a whole, and therefore needs a global approach. 

Việt Nam as a developing country needs an appropriate plan and the support from developed nations and financial partners in human resources training, science and technology management, and developing comprehensive frameworks, he added. 

PM Chính said that the country also has tremendous potential in terms of wind and solar energy and sees this as a certain area for development, and asked the United Kingdom and the international community to help provide accurate assessment on this potential. 

Việt Nam is also encouraging investors in the field of wind and solar energy. However, prices for electricity generated from these sources need to be suitable and affordable for the Vietnamese. 

The COP26 president said he would convey the PM’s message on equality and fairness in energy transition and climate change mitigation to development partners, and hoped that the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) would be approved in COP27 in Egypt at the end of the year.

Speaking to Sharma on his third visit to Việt Nam on the same day, National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vương Đình Huệ welcomed discussions on cooperation to respond to climate change, and on establishing JETP between Việt Nam and development partners.

During this trip, the COP26 president also worked with the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Trần Hồng Hà and the ministry’s units on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, net-zero commitments, and the National Power Development Plan VIII.

The COP26 president added that energy security is a common concern for many countries, especially in today’s context when all nations are striving to meet the demands to maintain socio-economic activities, as well as people's lives.

Several countries in the European Union have also issued new policies to respond to the energy crisis, which aim to address current needs and promote the transition to renewables.

Việt Nam needs to make progress in reducing coal power as soon as possible, as this will bring benefits not only in terms of the environment but also to the economy.

Sharma also urged the country to bring forward a revised 2030 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), aligned with its 2050 net zero targets.

President welcomes international delegates to VRC’s National Congress

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc welcomed Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Jagannath Chapagain and international delegates to the 11th National Congress of the Vietnam Red Cross Society (VRC) during a reception in Hanoi on August 30.

Phuc suggested Red Cross organisations of other countries and the VRC work more closely together in the near future, focusing on projects and key areas in Vietnam.

Vietnam is one of the countries hardest hit by climate change, so he called on associations and partners at the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, organisations and diplomatic agencies to provide more non-refundable aid for environmental projects in Vietnam.

Though Vietnam has provided care for about 6.2 million people living with disabilities, there remain many in need of help. The President asked the international community to help in offering vocational training and generating jobs for the disabled, providing nutrition for children in remote areas, building flood-proof houses, improving the capacity to cope with natural disasters, and identifying relatives and victims of wars and calamities.

He also suggested the IFRC offer all possible support to the VRC so that it can contribute more to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, enhance the sharing of experience among national societies and expand cooperation in humanitarian activities.

Chapagain informed the host that the IFRC signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation with the ASEAN Secretariat to perform humanitarian activities with respective governments, and is committed to supporting people in Asia-Pacific.

Hanoi steps up progress of key projects

Hanoi is speeding up progress on several key projects, according to the municipal People’s Committee.

They include the 12.5km Nhon-Hanoi Station railway project, which is over three quarters completed, the Belt Road 2 section of Vinh Tuy Bridge – Nga Tu So, the second stage of Vinh Tuy Bridge, the Hanoi Children’s Palace, and the Le Van Luong Underpass No.3.

In August, State capital disbursement in Hanoi was estimated at nearly 4.2 trillion VND (179.3 million USD), up 1.8% monthly and 2.2 times from the same period last year. On an eight-month calculation, the figure rose by 8.5% annually to 27.9 trillion VND, or 54.7% of the 2022 plan.

Municipal authorities have asked districts and investors to promptly report progress of projects and deal with any difficulties facing them.

Former leaders of Binh Duong imprisoned in land-use rule violation case

Former Secretary of the Party Committee of the southern province of Binh Duong Tran Van Nam and former Chairman of the province’s People’s Committee Tran Thanh Liem were sentenced to 7 years in prison each for their role in a case of violations of land management and use regulations in Binh Duong.

The Hanoi People’s Court handed down the verdicts on 28 defendants in the case on August 30 after a two-week trial.

Both Nam and Liem were found guilty of “violating regulations on managing and using State assets, causing losses and wastefulness”.

Three former executives of Binh Duong Producing and Trading Corporation (Protrade Corp) were given imprisonments of 27, 23 and 17 years on two charges of  “violating regulations on managing and using State assets, causing losses and wastefulness” and “property embezzlement.” 

Three defendants received jail sentences from 5 years to suspended three years for “property embezzlement.” 

The remaining defendants, including 11 former officials of Binh Duong, were jailed for “violating regulations on managing and using State assets, causing losses and wastefulness” with sentences ranging from 30 months to seven years.

According to the verdict, the defendants had intentionally violated legal regulations on the management of State asset and capital during their leadership and guidance of the operation of the Protrade Corp, which is 100-percent owned by the Party Committee of Binh Duong, causing huge loss to the State.

115 golfers to tee off at BRG Open Golf Championship Danang 2022

The BRG Open Golf Championship Danang 2022, part of the Asian Development Tour (ADT), is expected to welcome 115 players at BRG Da Nang Golf Resort in the central city of Da Nang from August 31 to September 2.

Golfers will be divided into two groups and compete over 36 holes, according to the tournament organisers. The final round will see 50 players competing for a prize purse of 75,000 USD.

Nguyen Trong Thao, Deputy Director of Da Nang’s Department of Culture and Sports, head of the Organising Committee of the Da Nang Golf Tourism Festival 2022, said preparations for the tournament have been completed.

The successful organisation of the BRG Open Golf Championship Danang 2022 will help improve the quality of golf courses, diversify golf tourism products, and build the image of a hospitable city while welcoming international competitors to Da Nang.

AFF Cup 2022: Vietnam in same group with Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Laos

Vietnam will face Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar and Laos in Group B at the AFF Mitsubishi Electric Cup 2022.

In Group A, Thailand will face the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia and the winner of a match between Brunei and Timor Leste .

The tournament will take place from December 23, 2022 to January 15, 2023. The group stages are scheduled from December 23,2022 to January 4, 2023.

The semi-finals will be held from January 7-10, and the finals on January 12 and January 15.

This year, Mitsubishi Electric is the new title sponsor for the event.

UNDP Resident Representative in Vietnam honoured

Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha on August 30 presented the insignia “For the cause of natural resources and environment” to UNDP Resident Representative in Vietnam Caitlin Wiesen in recognition of her contributions to the sector.

Speaking at the event, Ha said during her tenure, Wiesen stepped up cooperation between the UNDP and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), especially in environmental protection and climate change response.

He hailed the UNDP in Vietnam as one of the sponsors and multilateral development partners that has brought the most practical support to MONRE in State management, particularly the building and enforcement of natural resource and environment laws, climate change response, blue sea economic development and dealing with plastic waste pollution.

Wiesen, for her part, said the UNDP is willing to share experience and partner with the Vietnamese Government and MONRE in the field.

She affirmed that UNDP will promote cooperation with Vietnam in the near future.

President commutes death penalty to life sentence for 10 prisoners

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on August 30 signed a decision to commute the death penalty to life imprisonment for 10 prisoners, including two foreigners, on the occasion of the upcoming 77th National Day (September 2, 1945 – 2022).

The decision is made based on the 2013 Constitution and at the proposal of the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court, the Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy and the Chairman of the Presidential Office.

Navies of Vietnam, Indonesia hold coordinated exercise

The navies of Vietnam and Indonesia kicked off their coordinated exercise (CODEX 22B-I) in Batam Island of Indonesia on August 30.

The exercise opening ceremony was co-chaired by Deputy Chief of the Staff of Vietnam’s Naval Region 4 Colonel Nguyen Van Ngan and Commander of Indonesia’s Naval Base IV Rear Admiral Kemas M. Ikhwan Madani.

Colonel Nguyen Van Ngan said the first joint exercise between Ship HQ 012 - Ly Thai To of the Vietnam People’s Navy and Ship KRI Bung Tom - 357 of the Indonesian Navy is an important milestone in the development of the two sides’ agreement on the standard process of joint training, signed in December 2021, aiming to enhance the friendship, understanding, and trust between the two militaries, including their navies.

Rear Admiral Kemas M. Ikhwan Madani stressed that CODEX 22B-I helps promote the two navies’ capacity, experience, and mutual understanding, thus helping guarantee maritime security and build up their trust.

CODEX 22B-I, the first of its kind between the Vietnamese and Indonesian navies, is taking place in the Batam and Bitan waters of Indonesia from August 29 to September 3.

Vietnam’s sea and island sovereignty popularised at Osaka fair

Vietnam has arranged a booth designated to popularise the protection of its sovereignty over Truong Sa (Spratly) and Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelagos at a Vietnamese food and consumer goods fair in Osaka, Japan.

The trade fair was co-hosted by the Vietnamese Consulate General in Osaka and the non-governmental organisation Japan-Vietnam friendship association on August 27 and 28.

Large posters, documents, photos and video clips showing historic evidence affirming Vietnam's sovereignty over the Truong Sa and Hoang Sa archipelagos were displayed at the pavilion.

The event was attended by various Vietnamese and Japanese producers, importers and exporters of consumer goods as well as Vietnamese restaurants in Japan.

National flag carrier Vietnam Airlines was among exhibitors to introduce Vietnam’s destinations to local visitors.

The fair also featured music performances staged by Vietnamese and Japanese artists.

Vallet scholarships granted to students in central, Central Highlands provinces

The scientific and educational organisation "Meeting Vietnam" on August 30 presented 155 Vallet scholarships worth 2.4 billion VND (102,476 USD) in total to outstanding pupils and students in five Central Highlands and two south-central provinces.

Excellent pupils with disadvantaged backgrounds in the Central Highlands provinces of Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong and Lam Dong and the south central provinces of Khanh Hoa and Ninh Thuan received 125 scholarships worth 13 million VND each.

The remaining 30 scholarships, each worth 26 million VND, were granted to needy students with outstanding academic performances and those from the Universities of Da Lat, Nha Trang, and Tay Nguyen.

Established in 2001, the organisation’s Vallet Scholarship Fund has been sponsored by Professor Odon Vallet from France’s Sorbonne University. Over the past two decades, it has granted more than 350 billion VND worth of scholarships to Vietnamese students.

This year, 2,100 Vallet scholarships, whose total value exceeds 36 billion VND, are set to be presented to Vietnamese pupils and students across the nation.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes