Techcombank has announced that shares belonging to major shareholders are to come on to the market, as part of ownership limitations introduced by the State Bank of Vietnam.

Chairman Ho Hung Anh has registered to sell 9,530,700 shares, accounting for 1.07 per cent of the bank’s charter capital. His wife, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, has also registered to sell 27,689,656 shares, or 3.11 per cent of charter capital.

The AT&T Finance Service Company, where Ms. Thuy is Director, is to sell all 9 million Techcombank shares, which represent 1.07 per cent of its charter capital.

Mr. Ho Anh Ngoc, the brother of Mr. Hung Anh, will sell his 8,883,286 shares, or 1 per cent.

After the sale Ms. Thuy and Mr. Ngoc will no longer hold any Techocombank shares and Mr. Hung Anh will only hold some 0.27 per cent of the bank’s charter capital.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman Nguyen Thieu Quang and his relatives will also sell Techcombank shares. He has registered to sell 1,584,328, accounting for 0.17 per cent of the bank’s charter capital. His wife, Ms. Phung Minh Nguyet, has registered to sell 3,225,596 shares, or 0.36 per cent, while his brother, Mr. Nguyen Thieu Nam, is to sell 10,058,477 shares, or 1.13 per cent. After the sales the three will hold about 0.20 per cent of the bank’s charter capital.

Another board member, Mr. Nguyen Dang Quang, has registered to sell 2,755,158 shares, or 0.31 per cent of charter capital. His wife, Ms. Nguyen Hoang Yen, is to sell all 6,944,121 shares she holds, or 0.78 per cent.



VN Economic Times