Malaysia is looking to cooperate with Mekong Delta provinces and cities in clean agricultural development and green biotechnology to create environmental protection solutions.

The idea was inspired by Malaysian Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City, Shazryll Zahiran as he bade farewell to leaders of the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho on February 5 as his tenure comes to a close.

The diplomat stressed that Can Tho, the Mekong Delta as a whole, and Malaysia share mutual interests in developing agriculture biotechnology.

During his tenure Zahiran paid numerous visits to the region in an attempt to boost trade cooperation between Malaysian enterprises and local businesses.

Other plans to develop green biotechnology will be fortified by his successor, he added.

Tran Thanh Man, Secretary of the Can Tho Party Committee, praised the significant contributions of the Consul General to the region’s economic development.

Malaysia is the eighth biggest investing country to Vietnam.

Can Tho is currently home to two Malaysian-invested waste treatment projects with a total capital of 6 million USD.

The city is working to develop high agricultural technology in accordance with GlobalGAP standards.

In a bid to attract more investors, it has also cut administrative procedural processing time to a maximum of five working days.