A man was arrested in central Nghe An Province on Thursday while attempting to smuggle VNĐ2 billion (US$88,800) to Laos.



Mua Ba Cho, 30, was arrested on Thursday in Ky Son District, Nghe An Province for attempting to smuggle VNĐ2 billion cross-border to Laos.

During border patrol, Nam Can’s border forces found Mua Ba Cho, a 30-year- old local, on a trail in Nam Can Commune, Ky Son District, carrying a suspiciously large bag on his shoulder.  

On inspection, it was found that the bag contained more than VNĐ2 billion in cash, in two kinds of denominations: VNĐ200,000 and VNĐ500,000. 

Cho admitted he was hired by an unknown Lao national to deliver the cash across the border. 

He was promised VNĐ2 million in return. 

Ky Son District police are investigating the case.