Dao Dang Cong Trung
Cong often wanders on the beach twice or three times a week to collect rubbish. Every time, he can collect from 10 kg to 30 kg of bottles, plastic bags, clothes and hats. Trung also dives into the sea to collect rubbish an hour every week. According to Trung, there are many bottles among the coral reefs.
"Once I searched in a bush and faced a group of snakes. There was a time the sky turned dark suddenly as soon as I picked up the last rubbish. But I was not afraid, I know Son Tra like my own house," he said.
The bottles prevent the coral reefs from growing and have led to the death of many animals. Trung even found bottles made 20 years ago in the corals. In September, Trung and his friends had dived to pick up litter under three to 10 metres under water.
Nguyen Hai Dang, Trung's friend, said the survival chance of the coral reefs increased with each plastic bottle they picked up.
Many other diving groups and volunteers are also joining in the mission to keep Son Tra clean.
Duong Thi Xuan Lieu from the Management Board of Son Tra Peninsula and Danang beaches said, "Trung is a role model about how the community can co-operate with the authorities to protect the environment."
"I welcome anyone who wants to keep the island clean and focus on my work. I do this for our future generations," Trung said. Dtinews