Actress Angela Phuong Trinh was fined for promoting erroneous health remedies online.

During a recent press briefing, Nguyen Thanh Hoa, Head of the Electronic Information Division (HCMC Department of Information and Communications), articulated how some artists and influencers deliberately provoke public discourse through scandalous actions or statements. "These orchestrated controversies are not spontaneous but are part of a calculated strategy to increase viewership and, subsequently, sales," Hoa explained.

He detailed a common six-step process employed by these celebrities to manufacture a scandal: starting with a provocative incident, fostering divisive fan groups, consulting legal experts preemptively, engaging with authorities, accepting fines, and continuing their promotional activities unabated.

For instance, despite fines such as 7.5 million VND for disseminating false information, these individuals persist with their activities, leveraging the heightened visibility to promote products or content aggressively.

The department has taken action against several high-profile cases. Beauty queen Nam Em faced a hefty fine of 37.5 million VND for multiple infractions, including spreading false information and disrespecting national figures. Similarly, actress Angela Phuong Trinh was fined for promoting erroneous health remedies online.

"These penalties serve as a deterrent, yet they are often seen by the offenders as a minor cost in their broader promotional campaigns," Hoa noted.

The department is advocating for tighter regulations and increased vigilance from social media platforms to prevent the normalization of such behavior. "It's crucial for platforms and advertisers to play a proactive role in curbing harmful content by refusing to support or fund it," Hoa added.

Looking ahead, revisions to the existing decree on internet services and online information are anticipated, with the possibility of introducing stricter penalties for violations, especially in livestreaming.

Nguyen Ngoc Hoi, Deputy Director of the HCMC Department of Information and Communications, emphasized the commitment to addressing each violation thoroughly. "Our aim is to ensure a clean and responsible online environment, and we will continue to address breaches with stringent measures," Hoi concluded.

This evolving landscape highlights the complex interplay between celebrity influence, regulatory challenges, and the responsibilities of various stakeholders in maintaining a healthy digital ecosystem.

Tuan Chieu