Circular 28 issued by the Ministry of Education and Training is revealing shortcomings as many primary school English teachers in HCM City have left the profession because of low pay.


An English class of primary pupils

According to the circular, English teachers must also teach other subjects at school to ensure that they meet the quota to teach 23 periods a week. 

However, the teachers are only paid for their English lessons which are VND50,000 (USD2) per period. 

That mean they have to teach for free to stay at school while pupils still have to pay tuition fees for these lessons.  

Tran Khac Huy, head of Tan Binh District Department of Education and Training said schools had to be flexible and pay English teachers depending on their funding. 

English teachers can earn much more if they work in language centres.

During a meeting with Party Secretary of HCM City Dinh La Thang on February 23, Nguyen Van Hieu, deputy head of the city Department of Education and Training raised concerns over the problem. 

He said many teachers have resigned because they were disappointed and discouraged, especially when they see that Filipino teachers are paid up to USD2,000 per month. 

Hieu claimed many Vietnamese teachers also have the same expertise and skills.

In addition, teachers who have at least a level of B2 of the common European framework of reference for languages skill are given a bonus that is equivalent to 70% of their basic wage, but in reality, cumbersome regulations are preventing teachers from earning their bonuses.

The government is giving more autonomy to schools to be more independent about their finances and human resources. However, there are still caps on the tuition and personnel.

Thang thinks that cap on tuition is necessary to ensure that education is accessible for everyone while the cap on the number of personnel should be removed. 

"Teachers also have to rest, they have their own families and other needs," he said.

He went on to say that the Department of Education and Training should submit their difficulties and propose for pilot programmes to improve quality and join global integration.
