A marine search-and-rescue drill was conducted in the waters off Hon Chong port in the southern province of Kien Giang on December 7.


A ship of Kien Giang border guards patrol the province's sea area.

In the simulation, a ship with 80 passengers and 10 crew members on board en route from Phu Quoc Island to Hon Chong port clashed with a fishing boat that had just left the port. The fishing boat was carrying 15 fishermen and 20 tonnes of diesel oil.

The clash damaged the passenger ship’s tail and made the vehicle at risk of sinking. Three passengers fell into the sea and two others were injured.

Shortly after being notified about the incident, the Maritime Administration of Kien Giang set up plans and deployed forces to search for and rescue the victims, support the distressed vehicle and collect the spilled oil.

The forces successfully fulfilled goals set for the two-hour drill by the Ministry of Transport and the Vietnam Maritime Administration.

Kien Giang has a coastline of more than 200km. Its sea area borders many countries in the region.

The province boasts the busiest passenger transport activities between islands and the mainland. More than a million passengers are transported by local waterway vehicles every year, especially to and from Phu Quoc Island.