There have been 1,000 babies born via in vitro fertilization at Phuong Chau International Hospital since the hospital’s In Vitro Fertilization Center opened in 2011.


A man is seen with his son born via in vitro fertilization

Doctor Du Huynh Hong Ngoc, head of the Fertility Department of Phuong Chau International Hospital (IVF Phuong Chau), said the hospital uses advanced technologies to help infertile couples have children.

“IVF Phuong Chau uses all technologies for infertility treatment, including ICSI, IUI, sperm and oocyte freezing and storing techniques, MESA, PESA, TESE and endoscopic surgery,” Ngoc said.

Speaking to the Daily, Le Van Tam, vice chairman of Can Tho City People’s Committee, said Phuong Chau International Hospital has contributed significantly to the development of fertility services in Can Tho and helped the city become a medical center of the Mekong Delta.

According to Ngoc, in vitro fertilization has been in use in Vietnam since 1997. However, in the first few years, infertile couples had to visit hospitals in HCMC and Hanoi or those in foreign countries for treatment.

Established in 2011, the In Vitro Fertilization Center of Phuong Chau has cooperated with HCMC’s hospitals to send experts to IVF centers and seminars in Thailand, Singapore and Japan to improve their skills and knowledge. In 2015, the hospital founded a sperm bank to serve fertility services in the Mekong Delta.

In 2016, Phuong Chau cooperated with Binh Dan Hospital in HCMC to open an andrology clinic. The combination between andrology and fertility services will help optimize treatment for infertile couples.