Although the flooding season this year is later than in previous years, it remains a source of livelihood for local people in the Mekong Delta and marks the start of a unique tourist season in this region.

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Saigontourist Travel Service Co. continues offering “Experiencing the Flooding Season” tours, including a two-day trip to Chau Doc, Tra Su cajuput forest and floating fish-cage village at VND1.879 million, departing on October 29 and November 19; a two-day trip to Sa Dec, Long Xuyen, Ong Ho Islet and Long Xuyen floating market at VND1.979 million, departing on October 22 and November 12; and a two-day trip to Cao Lanh, Tam Nong bird sanctuary and Dong Sen Tourist Area at VND1.779 million, departing on November 5 and 26.

With departures on Saturdays, these tours are suitable for those looking for weekend trips. Tourists will visit natural landscapes such as Tra Su cajuput forest covered by green duckweeds, Tram Chim National Park—one of Vietnam’s eight most important bird sanctuaries—which are impressive with its immense lotus fields. Furthermore, there are many specialties found exclusively in the flooding season such as linh fish and dien dien flower hot pot.

Tra Su cajuput forest

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Participants in the tour to Chau Doc will visit holy destinations, including Ba Chua Xu Temple, the ancient Tay An Pagoda, Thoai Ngoc Hau Temple and mosques in addition to floating fish-cage villages on the Hau River and brocade craft villages of the Cham people.

Tra Su, about 30 kilometers from Chau Doc Town, is the most unique natural habitat conservation area of the wetland ecosystem in the Mekong Delta. In the flooding season, tourists will find it interesting when taking a cruise to the forest to admire white cajuput flowers in full bloom under the early sunshine. Cajuput trees line both sides of the roads in the forest, which is now submerged under floodwater, while duckweeds cover the water surface. Sometimes, bird singing and the sound of oars stirring in the water disturbs the quiet atmosphere of the forest.

Long Xuyen floating market

On the way to Long Xuyen, tourists will visit the largest flower village in Sa Dec. During the flooding season, flowers are planted on trusses making the entire flower field seem to be floating on the water.

Upon arrival in Long Xuyen, tourists take a ferry ride to Ong Ho Islet. There, they will experience a bike tour around the islet to enjoy the romantic and peaceful scenery on Ong Ho Islet, a historic venue in the Mekong Delta. Wooden craft workshops, smithies and incense stick-making entities remind tourists of ancient villages in the southern region in the old days.

Long Xuyen floating market on the Hau River is a wholesale market supplying agricultural products. Although the floating market is not as big and bustling as Cai Rang floating market in Can Tho, it has its own attractions. Specialties in the flooding season such as linh fish, dien dien flowers and water lilies are sold there. Such a setting is ideal for capturing lively moments in the flooding season.

Tram Chim National Park

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Tram Chim National Park, covering 7,588 hectares in Tam Nong District, has been recognized as the 2,000th Ramsar Site in the world. It is among the last wetlands in Vietnam, an important habitat for the Sarus crane which is listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Tram Chim will become an island in the flooding season when it is separated from the rest by water. The park is now dotted with thousands of white storks.

Last but not least, tourists can explore Dong Sen Thap Muoi eco-tourism site where they can take photos with the immense lotus ponds in the background, or walk across wooden bridges spanning the lotus ponds.

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