A 35 strong team of Microsoft yesterday arrived in Duc Tri Junior High School in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 1 to provide IT training courses to teachers.


Additionally, they introduced newly advanced technologies and usefulness of new program Office 365.

Moreover, they talked about IT career to vocationally orient students’ future career.

Duc Tri Junior High School is the first state school in HCMC which applied Office 365 in managing and teaching IT to students.

MOSWC kicked off by MoET

The national round for the Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship (MOSWC) 2016 was kicked off yesterday in the National Economic University by the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET).

The 2016 MOSWC's major points will not have any changes, said the organizers. It is free for students who sit for the national round and international round. The National

Economic University will carry out the first selection round to choose students for the national round.

The organizers encouraged students to freely participate in the contest by sending a registration letter and a score card of Microsoft Office Specialist. The organization board will base on the score card to select for the national round.

Six Vietnamese excellent winners of the final round will participate in the international final round in the U.S.

MOSWC is the largest office computing contest in the world which is held annually all over the globe by U.S.-based Certiport, a world leading provider of computer science certificates.

To date, the competition has been in place for 15 years globally and has entered its seventh year in Vietnam. Over the past years, Vietnam’s team has won several high positions in the world finals in three consecutive years with gold medal for Microsoft Word 2010 at MOWC 2012, MOSWC 2013 bronze medal for Microsoft Word 2010, and two bronze medals for Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint 2010 at MOSWC 2014.

HCMC schools raise students' awareness of environment

In order to raise students’ awareness of environment protection, the Department of Education and Training and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources jointly organized a program to call for decreasing plastic bags and a festival to recycle things.

As per the plan, the participants in the ninth festival themed “Production and sustainable consumption” including all students from primary schools, senior and junior high schools will take part in a competition to make useful things by recycling waste commodities while university students will design clothes from waste materials.

Besides, staffs and teachers will enter a training course on environment protection and classify solid waste and share experiences at a seminar “Raising awareness of environment protection in schools” from experts; they can also write documents of teaching this issue in schools and improve effectiveness of the environment protection activities in the city.