The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) is expecting the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to continue their technical and financial support for Vietnamese higher educational projects, said Minister of Education and Training Phung Xuan Nha.


Primary children in northern Hoa Binh Province sit for an outdoors activity at school. MOET Minister Phung Xuan Nha said that the key character of the general educational reform of Viet Nam was to transform from a knowledge-based education to competency development and providing more soft skills to students. 

The statement was made at a bilateral talk between MOET and the delegation of the Parliamentary Network on the WB and IMF in Hanoi on Wednesday.

The talk was part of the delegation’s working visit to Viet Nam between Monday and Wednesday.

MOET officials briefed the delegation on Viet Nam’s achievements in general education and higher education in particular, strategies of educational reform in the time to come as well as Viet Nam’s efforts to create conditions for the private sector to take part in the fields of education and technical transform.

Nha said that the key character of the general educational reform of Viet Nam was to transform from a knowledge-based education to competency development and providing more soft skills to students.

“To link students with the job market, we are trying to enhance the soft skills of students, teach them how to know, how to apply and how to make decisions to continue their studies.

“Soft skills are a very important factor in the curriculum. At universities, we are paying attention to inviting more entrepreneurs to come and work together to design the curriculum and the process of training. We are also providing more information to young students about the future job market,” he said.

Olfa Soukri Cherif, Member of the Parliament of People’s Representatives in Tunisia, head of the delegation and Vice Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Network on the WB and IMF, congratulated Viet Nam for its educational achievements and praised the MOET’s efforts to create educational opportunities for everyone.

WB reports show progress made by Viet Nam in terms of educational quality at all levels. Viet Nam’s efforts have focused on linking education and training with the demands of the country’s socio-economic situation and scientific and technological fields. 

The MOET proposed that the WB promoting WB expert exchange in conducting research and crafting higher education policies, focusing on international experience and experimental research.

The ministry also hoped that the WB would support Viet Nam to actively participate in the initiatives of the International Education Committee to develop the capacity of teachers and management officials.

The WB has so far assisted Viet Nam in terms of technical and financial support for the Viet Nam-Germany University project, higher education quality improvement project, and the general strategy of higher education development during 2021-30 with a vision to 2035. — VNS