Due to violations recorded at build-operate-transfer (BOT) tollgates, the Ministry of Transport has required the Vietnam Directorate for Roads to launch periodic and unannounced inspections into the collection of toll fees at BOT tollgates.


Than Cuu Nghia tollgate on HCMC-Trung Luong Expressway

According to the Vietnam Directorate for Roads, some operators of tollgates have inaccurately reported the volume of vehicles passing through expressways or bridges as well as their revenues, in violation of their BOT project contracts. They also failed to upgrade facilities to store data on toll collection and have shown signs of revenue concealment and tax evasion.

Early this year, five executives of BOT Yen Khanh JSC were arrested for their alleged use of illegal software to hide toll collection revenue on HCMC-Trung Luong Expressway.

As for Phap Van-Cau Gie Expressway, the State Audit of Vietnam and the Government Inspectorate have detected the concealment of some VND500 million per day from the toll collection revenue.

The Ministry of Transport will suspend toll collection if the investors in traffic infrastructure projects violate provisions in their contracts for these projects or regulations on toll collection.