After newspapers released the death of a pregnant after a cosmetic surgery in an infirmary in Ho Chi Minh City, the Ministry of Health's Medical Examination and Treatment Department ordered in writing its sub-department to verify and issue penalty if violations were found.


The pregnant hotgirl dies after a plastic surgery 

The Medical Examination and Treatment Department asked the city health authority to liaise with the surgeons who directly performed the operation and involved hospitals including Van Hanh General Hospital, People’s Hospital 115 and the general Hospital in Hoc Mon District.

In its document, the Medical Examination and Treatment Department said that medical incidents in cosmetic surgeries in clinics under the municipal Department of Health’s control had been reported lately; for instance, the death of Edward Hartley, American national, during liposuction surgery at Viet Thanh Beauty Clinic.

The Health Department in HCMC must liaise with related agencies to set up scientific council to probe the cause of the death and submit the report to the Ministry because it related to foreign people.

Additionally, the Department must provide training to medical workers and re-arrange plastic surgery activity to curb the incident .