The statement was made by head of the Authority of Broadcasting and Electronic Information under the Ministry of Information and Communications, Le Quang Tu Do at a press conference in Hanoi on March 6.

The current fine for violations such as spreading misinformation and deviant statements on social media platforms ranges from VND5 -10 million (US$203 - US$405). The Department of Information and Communications of localities often imposes a penalty of VND7.5 million (US$304).

However, this level of penalty is not enough to deter certain individuals such as artists, celebrities, Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), and online business owners who profit from social media and e-commerce platforms, he added.

The Ministry of Information and Communications has currently submitted to the Government a Decree to replace Decree 72, which includes a series of regulations concerning activities on social media.

When Decree 72 is issued, according to the Government's schedule, it is expected to be launched in the middle of this year, the Ministry of Information and Communication will propose the Government to issue regulations on increasing the level of fines and additional penalties for cyberspace violations, head of the Authority of Broadcasting and Electronic Information, Le Quang Tu Do said.

Source: SGGP