Local authorities in Vietnam have warned about the large import of meat from Brazil following a recent rotten meat scandal in the South American country.


Vietnam imported USD12.8m worth of meat from Brazil in the first two months of 2017, accounting for 7% of the import revenue from Brazil. 

A seller on Phan Dang Luu Street, HCM City said that although the shop was only opened recently, the business was good because many consumers prefer imported meat, especially beef. Besides American and Australian meat, products from Brazil are also favoured thanks to their affordable prices.

The rotten meat scandal has caused public concern. "Some consumers go to our store just to ask if we know anything about the scandal," the seller said.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade cautioned local agencies to tighten management on imported meat from Brazil.


The Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade to tighten management on imported meat following the rotten meat scandal in Brazil

33 Brazilian officials were recently suspended over allegations that several of the biggest meat processors in Brazil have been exporting rotten beef and poultry for years.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and relevant agencies were investigating and collecting evident that various firms had bribed state officials to export unhygienic meat, including JBS, the world's largest beef exporter, and BRF, the world's top poultry producer.

The beef and poultry products from Brazil were found to be contaminated with salmonella bacteria that can cause serious illnesses for consumers. The companies are also accused of using banned substances.

Hundreds of papers for appeal hearings and 30 arrest warrants have been issued. Many countries have ordered a ban imported meat from Brazil.
