Update news MOET

Ministry urged to improve quality of lecturers in tertiary education

VietNamNet Bridge - According to the Department of Teachers and Educational Managers, the number of university lecturers has increased but the quality has not improved. 

Schools told to install cameras to ensure security

VietNamNet Bridge - While schools and parents applaud the idea of installing cameras in and outside schools to ensure security, students say this will be an interference in their private lives.

Pedagogical school’s best graduate unemployed

Bui Thi Ha was one of 100 school valedictorians honored at Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam at a ceremony in 2016. But she is still jobless. 

Vietnam’s social sciences lack ‘leading wolves’: report

VietNamNet Bridge - For the first time, a quantitative study of Vietnam's output in international scientific publications in the field of social sciences and humanities has been published.

School violence still occurs as compassion is… forgotten

Psychologists believe that school violence continues because society doesn’t condemn the behavior. If adults remain silent after seeing students fight, children won’t rise up against violence, they say. 

The psychological effects of studying overseas

VietNamNet Bridge - Even though many Vietnamese are psychologically prepared before studying abroad, many students still have problems during their stay and after their return to Vietnam.

Doctoral dissertation on typography stirs controversy

VietNamNet Bridge - “The art of typography in designing book covers in 2005-2015”, the theme of a doctoral dissertation, has stirred controversy among the public, but academics have defended it. 

Online education booms in Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge - E-learning or online education appeared in Vietnam 10 years ago, but has only been flourishing in the last three years.

Should Vietnam increase the number of schools for the gifted?

VietNamNet Bridge - Educators believe that the restriction on the number of schools for the gifted in each province is no longer reasonable in new circumstances. Vietnam needs to have more schools to promote more talented students, he said.

Universities ‘take a roundabout route’ when transferring technology

The HCMC National University earns VND180-200 billion a year from technology transfer deals. However, in most cases, the transfer is conducted in unofficial way; thus, the revenue is not commensurate with the real value.

When will Vietnam universities nominate professors?

The title of professor and associate professor can only be granted by the State Professorship Title Council. However, experts say it would be better to allow universities to nominate their professors.

“Teachers are afraid of parents”, educators say

VietNamNet Bridge - Many teachers complain of ‘monster-parents’ who deeply intervene in teachers’ education activities and complain about teachers.

Reported high proportion of excellent students raises doubts

VietNamNet Bridge - While the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) reports that students’ performance has improved considerably, many teachers and parents doubt the figures.

Private school criticized for harsh methods

VietNamNet Bridge - A parent has criticized Luong The Vinh High School and its teachers for harsh education methods, stirring a debate about how to educate students: with an iron will or loose discipline?

More students attending vocational school instead of university

VietNamNet Bridge - Many more students, aware of market demand and the unemployment rate among graduates, are choosing to attend vocational school instead of university. 

What do Vietnamese teachers do to students who misbehave?

The criticism by a parent in Hanoi about the harsh education methods applied by a private high school in Hanoi has raised a question about what Vietnamese teachers do when their students make mistakes.  

Should schools use the VNEN educational methodology?

MOET has said that the ministry ‘won’t let it go’, but will “join hands with education establishments to fix existing problems and overcome difficulties to deploy the new educational method VNEN. 

Da Nang Secretary used degrees from unaccredited school

VietNamNet Bridge - The highest ranking leader of the central city of Da Nang has been using degrees granted by an unaccredited educational institution.

Unemployment rate down, but more university grads remain jobless

VietNamNet Bridge - While the general unemployment rate is declining, the unemployment rate among bachelor’s degree graduates is on the rise.

Schools, businesses jointly train students in effort to cut jobless rate

VietNamNet Bridge - To be sure that their products can satisfy employers’ requirements, schools have decided to join forces with businesses to train students.