A red-faced monkey was captured after it ran amok in Dinh Cong new urban area yesterday afternoon, Ha Noi City's Hoang Mai District police said.


A red-faced monkey created a disturbance in Ha Noi's Dinh Cong urban area. The police have captured it and are preparing to transfer it to the Cuc Phuong endangered primate rescue centre. — Photo tienphong.vn


Police sent the monkey to Ha Noi Zoo for it to be fed before relevant documents are prepared to move it to Cuc Phuong Endangered Primate Rescue Centre.

Le Anh Trung, head of the Dinh Cong Police Office, said the police had not so far found where the monkey had come from.

The 20kg monkey suddenly appeared and created a disturbance in the residential quarter. It went from one balcony to another.

Workers of Ha Noi Zoo in co-ordination with the local police surrounded the monkey and shot it in the leg with a tranquiliser to control it.

The trading and breeding of the red-faced monkey is banned.