About 60 delegations from ministries, sectors and localities from across Vietnam paid last respect to Fidel Castro Ruz at the Cuban Embassy in Hanoi on November 29-30.


Minister To Lam led a delegation of the Ministry of Public Security to lay a wreath in commemoration of the Cuban revolutionary leader.

Writing in the condolence book, he offered the deepest condolences to Cuban leaders and people over the death of Fidel Castro, who passed away on November 25 at the age of 90.

Fidel Castro as a big friend of the Vietnamese people with important contributions to the special friendship between the two Parties, States and peoples, Lam noted, expressing the belief that the Party, State and people of Cuba will overcome this loss and continue attaining more victories in developing and protecting their socialist nation as in line with the deceased’s wish.

Expressinghis sympathies, Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court Nguyen HoaBinh wrote in the condolence book that Fidel Castro’s life and carrier will live forever in the glorious revolutionary cause of the Cuban people and the peoples who are fighting for a fair, civilised, democratic, prosperous and happy world.

Vietnamese people always keep in mind his statement that “For Vietnam, Cuba is willing to devote its blood,” he wrote.

Other delegations paying homage to the late leader include those from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Vietnam Women’s Union, and many provinces.

Fidel Castro was Commander-in-chief of the Cuban revolution, former First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, and former President of the Council of State and Council of Ministers.

He was the first foreign leader to visit the newly-liberated area in the central province of Quang Tri in September 1973. He was also a country leader who took the lead in international movements supporting Vietnam’s struggle for national independence and reunification, along with national development and defence. 

With all his great contributions, Fidel Castro was presented with the two noblest orders of the Vietnamese State: Golden Star Order in 1982 and Ho Chi Minh Order in 1989.-VNA