VietNamNet Bridge – Professor and Doctor Phan Xuan Son from the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration spoke to the newspaper Nong thon Ngay nay (Countryside Today) about the Party Committee.



Illustrative image -- Photo: VNE   


In two weeks, the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam will be convened and a new Party leadership will be elected. What are your expectations from the young leaders?

I would say that Viet Nam will enter a new phase of development and say goodbye to the second decade of the 21st century. Among the four topics of the upcoming Party Congress, I just want to mention the two most important topics.

First, it is about the building of a clean and strong Party and the continuous renewal of the political system.

A synchronous and comprehensive renewal of the whole political system is a heavy task that requires strong, creative and competent leaders. Of course, these leaders must be knowledgeable, competent, efficient, productive and more.

In the 2013 Constitution, Viet Nam vows to build a State ruled by law and democracy. The Constitution guarantees human rights and citizenship rights of every Vietnamese.

And secondly, the confrontation of traditional and non-traditional security challenges, coupled with increasingly complicated disputes over the sovereignty of the East Sea, require the Party leaders to have strength and wisdom in the defence of national independence, unity and territorial integrity and sovereignty of the homeland. If they fulfil these noble tasks and missions, they will be able to protect the fruits of the 30 years of renewal and bring about many opportunities for the country to integrate deeper into the region and the world over.

Electing young party leaders will be the focus of the 12th Party Congress. Do you think young leaders will help to create breakthroughs in the future 12th Party Central Committee?

Electing young Party members to the Party Central Committee has become a tendency in the recent National Party Congresses. But at the upcoming 12th National Party Congress, the percentage of young Party Central Committee (PCC) members will increase considerably compared with previous congresses. In the structure of the PCC, we set a target to have the representation of various age groups. We all agree that young people have many good characteristics, including physical strength, good education and a willingness to accept challenges. The most important element is that they are eager to contribute their hearts and minds to the building and defending of the homeland.

We pin our hope on the young generation in general, and to those who will be elected to the 12th National Party Central Committee.

It is reported that personnel for the upcoming Party CC have been well prepared. How do you respond to that?

It is undisputed that personnel preparations for the 12th PCC have been thoroughly prepared. Potential leaders have been screened and sent to training, and some even participated in confidential votes in Party Committees at all levels.

However, there remains some weaknesses and shortcoming in the work of personnel preparations, particularly consultations with people in their residential areas or enterprises/offices where they are working.

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