Vietnam’s Ambassador to Russia Nguyen Thanh Son and businessman Do Xuan Hoang were among individuals honoured recently by Russian State and the government of Moscow Oblast province for contributions to Russia’s development.

A view of Moscow Oblast.

Addressing the award presenting ceremony held in Moscow on November 3, the Moscow Oblast Governor Andrey Vorobyov stressed that all the honourees, who come from various countries and fields, share the same wish to make Moscow Oblast and Russia a place with comfortable, happy and safe life. 

Ambassador Nguyen Thanh Son and businessman Do Xuan Hoang, who is chairman of the Vietnamese Association in Russia, were awarded the Sergei Radonezhsky Saint Order in recognition of their practical and effective contributions to the Vietnam-Russia traditional relationship and social-economic development in the Moscow Oblast. 

Speaking to the press, Ambassador Nguyen Thanh Son said the noble award demonstrates the appreciation and trust of the Moscow government to contributions of Vietnam’s diplomatic representative agency and he himself, while delivering the expectations for growing ties with Vietnam. 

The diplomat noted that the Vietnam-Russia trade has not matched the two countries’ potential but has achieved significant progress, evidenced by the TH True Milk Corporation’s big project in the Moscow and Kaluga Oblasts along with investment by Incentra group and several other enterprises in Moscow city.-VNA