Update news MSCI

Vietnam to benefit most from upcoming review of MSCI Frontier Markets Index

Vietnam could see a weight increase of 13% in the Frontier Markets Index to become the most important market in this Index.

Foreign funds inject money into Vietnam’s businesses

Just over the last two years, about 10 billion dollars from the region have been poured into Vietnam’s leading corporations.

Will the stock market upgrade benefit large cap stocks?

If Vietnam’s proportion in MSCI market increases by 3 percent, the stock market can expect to receive VND1.5 trillion more worth of capital, analysts say.

Over $1.2 billion to flow to VN stock market after upgrading to secondary emerging market

VietNamNet Bridge - Analysts believe that at least $1.2 billion will flow into the market after the upgrading of the country’s status.

Top 10 securities companies prosper amid competition

Large securities companies have made big leaps in their development. The total market share held by the top 10 securities companies increased from 40 percent in 2010 to 70 percent by the end of Q3 2018.

Stock market thrives, expectations soar for “emerging market” status

The VN Index has been increasing sharply since the beginning of the year with capital flowing to finance and banking, real estate, and shares with a high capitalization value.

‘Frontier’ status won’t affect stock market in short term: analysts

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam should try to improve its stock market to make it more attractive to investors, rather than wait for a higher ranking, experts have said. 

VN Index exceeds 8-year peak, but stays among frontier markets

VietNamNet Bridge - The Vietnamese stock market has been hot these days with the VN Index breaking new records. However, it is still far below other frontier markets in the region.