Hanoi police are seeking the Ministry of Public Security’s approval for prosecuting Muong Thanh Group for a range of violations in its real estate projects.


A real estate project of Muong Thanh Group in Hanoi

The group chaired by Le Thanh Than have carried out 12 projects in Hanoi, including many cheap apartment projects. 

The Dai Thanh apartment project in Thanh Tri District was built but without local authorities’ approval. Meanwhile, the group has not yet paid its land use fees.

Lots of apartment projects by Muong Thanh Group in Hanoi have been found to have violated fire prevention regulations.

In October, 2015, a big fire happened at the Xa La apartment building in Ha Dong District, damaging nearly 300 vehicles in the basement and led to hundreds of households having to evacuate.

Also in the same year, a fire occurred in HH4 apartment block in Hoang Mai District. Luckily, no deaths were reported.

Hanoi has announced a list of 72 apartment buildings which violate fire prevention and control regulations, including 13 owned by Muong Thanh Group. The group has ever been fined a total VND133 million (USD6,300) for these violations.

Many other projects of Muong Thanh Group in other localities have also been found for violations.

In Nha Trang City of Khanh Hoa Province, Muong Thanh has developed a hotel project as high as 48 storeys, far exceeding the city height limit of 40 storeys. The same problem was also seen at Muong Thanh Mui Ne hotel in Ninh Thuan Province.

Muong Thanh Hotel in Quang Ninh Province was built without being licensed.
